Newsletter 19 - 21st November 2023
Principal Report
Term Dates
Upcoming Events
Muffin Monday - Mini Vinnies Fundraiser
Aboriginal Artwork - Student Participation
Staff News
All Schools Triathlon - Friday 24th November
Principal's Award
Student of the Week & House Raffle Winners
Book Club - Mrs Carter
Reminder - 2024 Book List & Schedule of Fees
Speech Pathology Applications
St Patrick’s Catholic Church
Latrobe Lions Club - Christmas & Carols
Devonport Country Club - Junior Girls’ Golf Scholarships
Latrobe Cricket Club
Inquiring Minds
Nut Allergy Aware School
School Uniform Survey Update
Thank you to the many members of the school community who responded to our survey, as well as our students in years 2 -5 who voted on their preferences on the School Uniform options and change. The results are currently being considered by the Consultative Committee, School Board, and Leadership Team. The outcome of the survey and decision on any changes will be communicated to the school community shortly.
National Office for Child Safety
The National Office for Child Safety recently launched ‘One Talk at a Time’, a national awareness raising and behavioural change campaign on child sexual abuse.
One Talk at a Time aims to protect children and young people from sexual abuse by helping adults understand that child sexual abuse is preventable and encouraging them to have ongoing, proactive, preventative conversations with children, young people and other adults in their lives.
The campaign is a key measure under the National Strategy to Prevent and Respond to Child Sexual Abuse 2021-2030 and fulfils a recommendation of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.
Swimming / Carnivals
Last week, we held our North West Athletics Carnival and completed our 8 day Swimming program for our Year 2 - 5 classes. The students and staff did an amazing job, and we thank Ms Brown for all of her work at the pool and organising the students for the athletics carnival, as well as all the staff who supported the students during swimming and attending the carnival.
The students have become a little tired and unsettled. As the year draws to an end, you may find your children easily frustrated and have less resilience, so a little more patience from staff, parents and caregivers may be required.
Home Work, Home Readers and Library
At this time of year, we begin finishing off the year and start to pack up ready for the Christmas break. Please take note of the following:
- This will be the last week for home work.
- Next week, is the last week for home readers and borrowing library books. All books will need to be returned the week beginning Monday 4th December, for checking back into the library catalogue.
Aboriginal Artwork
Next week, Fiona Hughes, an Aboriginal artist and a support artist, Vicki Dewsbury will be at St Patrick’s to work with students in all year groups to create a new mural on the wall of the assembly hall. The mural will consist of flora and fauna found local to Latrobe. The students will learn about the many animals that have suffered from changes in environment and habitat since colonisation. The mural, along with other special days held during the year, forms part of St Patrick’s Annual First Nation’s Plan.
Fire Safety
A firefighter from the Tasmania Fire Service (TFS) is visiting our school next week to present a Home Fire Safety Program to our Prep to Grade 6 students. Kindergarten students, whilst not receiving a structured lesson, can expect a visit from the firefighter who will leave some free fun activities for the student to complete. The age appropriate program is designed to raise fire awareness in children and includes fun in class activities, videos, activity books, giveaways, and a new kids' website
Parents and other family members are also encouraged to participate by reading the information and assisting your child with the after school activities.
The TFS aims to deliver appropriate fire safety education to every primary school child in Tasmania and is part of the TFS’s ongoing commitment to create a fire safe Tasmania.
Key Fire Safety Messages include,
Wake up - Install a smoke alarm in every bedroom
Plan and practice a home fire escape plan with the whole family
In a fire crawl low and go, go, go to the nearest exit
In an emergency call triple zero
Keep flammable material at least two metres from the heater
If your clothes catch fire, stop, drop, rock and roll
Keep matches and lighters away from children
Cooking - Turn it off before you turn away
Cool a burn under cold water for at least 20 minutes
Most house fires can be avoided. Make your home fire safe
More information for parents, carers and teachers
Exciting new website just for kids
SUBSCRIBE to the free bi-monthly newsletter
Have a great week!
Carmen Aylott
Term 1 - Friday 3rd February - Thursday 6th April
Term 2 - Wednesday 26th April - Friday 7th July
Term 3 - *Tuesday 25th July - Friday 29th September
Term 4 - *Tuesday 17th October - Thursday 14th December
*Student Free Days Monday 25th April, Monday 24th July, Monday 16th October.
Term 1 - Wednesday 7th February - Thursday 11th April
Term 2 - Monday 29th April - Friday 5th July
Term 3 - Tuesday 23rd July - Friday 27th September
Term 4 - Tuesday 15th October - Wednesday 18th December
*Student Free Days Friday 12th April, Monday 22nd July, Monday 14th October.
(Easter Break - Good Friday 29th March, Easter Monday 1st April, Easter Tuesday 2nd April. Return to school Wednesday 3rd April.)
Friday 24th |
Schools Triathlon Challenge Assembly - All Welcome 2.00pm Mini Vinnies Fundraiser - Muffin Monday Orders Close 3.00pm (Qkr! app) |
Monday 27th |
2024 Kinder Orientation - Session 3/3 Mini Vinnies Fundraiser - Muffin Monday School Fire Education Week (Prep - Yr 6) |
Wednesday 29th |
Prep Nativity Play - Family & Friends Performance 2.15pm |
Thursday 30th |
Marty Ogle Visit - Year 6 Class |
Friday 1st | Public Holiday - Devonport (No)Show Day |
Tuesday 5th | St Brendan Shaw College Year 6 Orientation - Full Day |
Thursday 7th | Year 6 - End of Year Excursion |
Friday 8th | Latrobe High School Year 6 Orientation -Full Day |
Monday 11th |
Year 6 - Liturgy & Graduation Service 5.00pm Year 6 - Leavers Dinner for students 6.30pm |
Tuesday 12th |
Final Assembly - Year 6 Awards 9.00am |
Thursday 14th |
Last Day of Term 4 - Students |
Next week all students will have the opportunity to participate with the two artists who will be at St Patrick's painting the Aboriginal Wall Mural. Can all students please bring with them a smock or old shirt to wear while they are painting.
Mr O'Brien was away Monday and today, Miss Woods taught Year 1. Mrs Stoessiger was out of class today, Miss Zeleznik taught Kinder. Mrs Jak will be away tomorrow, Mrs Lockyer will teach Prep. Mrs Meech was out of class today and will be away Wednesday and Thursday, Ms Jarvis taught Year 3 today and again tomorrow, and Mr Farquharson will teach on Thursday.
Students from Years 3 - 6 who registered to participate in the All Schools Triathlon will be competing this Friday 24th November. The triathlon is held at the Mersey Bluff in Devonport. Students will receive their participation pack this week. Please see the attached information we have received from the organisers in regards to parking and road closures around the Bluff on Friday.
This year NO Cars or buses will be allowed onto Bluff Road or be able to use the Meercroft Park Car park (as has happened in previous years) on either secondary or primary days. Please park around streets surrounding Meercroft Park to drop off and pick up, students can then walk bikes across Meercroft Park to the Transition areas and event site without Traffic
Devonport City Council has also sent through the attached Parking Restrictions map.
INfO BELOW DIRECTLY FROM COUNCIL - Parking Fines will be issued if people park in restricted / NO Parking areas
I have attached the map of parking restrictions as well as the carpark on North Fenton and James Street.
It is crucial that we communicate these restrictions clearly, as fines will be issued to individuals who park in restricted areas, as well as the damage it causes to Devonport City Council’s grounds and reserves. On the map, we have marked the designated no-parking zones, street parking options, and car parks within walking distance of the event site. Our general policy is to discourage parking on grass, with one exception: the Devonport Oval located at the corner of North Fenton and James Street. We believe this area may not experience high demand for parking, but we wanted to provide it as an option for the event.
In addition to Devonport Oval, there are several street parking options available, including the Byard Park carpark and the William Street carpark in front of the Meercroft Park grounds.
No Parking is available in Eugene Street on the grass.
Congratulations to the following students who have received Student of the Week.
Year 2
Year 3
Angus for his application and effort in completing a detailed scientific drawing.
Year 4
Meg for your outstanding model of hospitality and kindness. Your willingness to always assist in the classroom is greatly appreciated.
Zita for always giving everything to the tasks she completes; including going above and beyond to reinforce her skills and understanding. Well done Zita!
Year 6
Jake for his focus and hard work during information writing and the fabulous report he produced.
Congratulations to our House Raffle winners this week:
Dooley - Esther B
Martyn - Ruby F
Byrne - Mushtaq K
2024 class book packs are now available for purchase from the school office. These can be purchased during office hours 8.30am - 3.30pm.
Mersey Leven Catholic Parish
Mersey Leven Catholic Parish is a Catholic community made up of many people who seek together to live and share the joy of the Gospel.
Parish Office: 90 Stewart St Devonport
Wednesday - Friday 9am - 2pm
Phone: 036424 2783
See the Parish website for more information
Devonport Country Club is in the fortunate position of being able to offer FREE junior girls’ golf scholarships. We have obtained funding from The Australian Golf Foundation (AGF) to support six lucky teenage girls to pursue the sport of golf. No previous skill is necessary.
Scholarships are open to girls aged 9 to 16. Girls new to golf may also be engaged in this program should they demonstrate a commitment to learning the sport. A willingness to learn a new skill. “This is a terrific opportunity”, said Helen Plaister, DCC Scholarship coordinator. “Not only will girls receive 24 coaching sessions with Alex Hamilton PGA Professional but also a one-year junior club membership that carries playing rights, to ensure girls can participate in club competitions and obtain a handicap”.
The Scholarship program is part of a national campaign to get more girls playing golf. Along with over 160 other golf facilities across Australia, DCC will be working closely with golf’s national body Golf Australia throughout 2024. “All we ask is that applicants display a desire and willingness to learn and therefore improve golf skills, obtain a handicap, play in club competitions (or at least social play) and engage in any extra-curricular activity that fosters friendships between scholarship holders”. A total of 6 scholarships will be available at DCCfor 2024. For further information and to apply, please contact: Helen Plaister, Email: Or, Mobile; 0488233905 Helen Plaister - DCC Junior Girls Coordinator.
Research shows that the first five years of a child’s life are critical for their development. The experiences they have can shape who they become as an adult. We realise the importance of these years and ensure that our SETUP sessions are full of play-based activities that allow children to investigate and learn in their own way.
Lots of time spent playing, talking, listening and interacting with you helps your child learn the skills they need for life. These skills include communicating, thinking, solving problems, moving and being with other people and children. That’s why our SETUP sessions allow children time for provocative play and exploring both on their own and with other children. We do offer arts and crafts, storytime, interactive games and activities as well as outside play.
Our sessions run every Friday from 9:00 - 10:30 a.m during school terms. Please bring a piece of fruit, a hat and drink bottle. Tea and coffee is provided for parents/carers. We hope to see you there!
A reminder to parents that St Patrick's is a Nut Allergy School and that we ask that parents not pack nuts or nut products in their children's lunchboxes.