Newsletter 3 - Thursday 13th March 2025
Principal Report
Calendar of Events
Term Dates
Extra Student-Free Day - Monday 26 May
St Patrick’s Day Family Fun Afternoon - Monday, 17th March.
School Swimming Program - Tuesday 18th - Friday 24th March
School Improvement Surveys
Devonport Junior Soccer Roster - Registrations Open
School Fees - Second Instalment
NWCPS Swimming Carnival
Student of the Week
Principal Award
School Wide Positive Behaviour Award
St Brendan Shaw College Instrumental Program
Circle of Security Parenting Program - Term 2
Enrolment Open Night and Guided Tours
DJSA Development Centre
St Patrick's Day Celebrations
Latrobe Football Club
Bluff to Boat Ramp
Inquiring Minds
St Patrick’s Catholic Church
Allergy Aware School
St Patrick’s Feast Day
Friday 17th March marks the feast day of St Patrick, the patron saint of our school. St. Patrick of Ireland was born in Roman Britain and when he was fourteen, he was captured by Irish pirates and taken to Ireland as a slave to herd and tend sheep. Patrick's captivity lasted until he was twenty, when he escaped after having a dream from God in which he was told to leave Ireland by going to the coast. There he found some sailors who took him back to Britain and was reunited with his family.
Patrick had a vision which prompted his studies for the priesthood. He was ordained by St. Germanus, the Bishop of Auxerre. Patrick arrived in Slane, Ireland on March 25, 433. Patrick converted many people - eventually thousands - and he began building churches across Ireland.
Patrick often used shamrocks to explain the Holy Trinity and entire kingdoms were eventually converted to Christianity after hearing Patrick's message.
Patrick preached and converted all of Ireland for 40 years. He worked many miracles and wrote of his love for God in Confessions. After years of living in poverty, travelling and enduring much suffering he died March 17, 461.
Retrieved from St. Patrick - Saints & Angels - Catholic Online
St Patrick’s Family Fun Day
Details for the Day
Dress: Green/St Patrick's Day theme. Enclosed shoes and no singlet tops. Hats are required for outside.
9.30 a.m: Mass-families invited. (No assembly)
12.50 p.m: Student Hot Potato Lunch, Menu includes green jelly cups & Zooper Doopers. Order via the QKR app. Orders close Friday, 14th, 3pm.
1.30 p.m: Activities in the school grounds begin. Parents may collect their child from their classroom (resume responsibility of their child) and participate in activities. Remaining students will participate in activities with their classroom teacher.
There will be many free activities but also some competitions (Guess the Number of Smarties in the Jar & “Lob o Choc”.) as well as Stall(includes St Patrick’s Day themed items and produce). Therefore, students may bring some money to spend, coins are required for 'Lob o Choc'. Eftpos will be available in the stall and canteen for drinks throughout the afternoon.
The Staff toilets will be available for adults. Students use outside toilets as usual.
Activities conclude at 2.50pm.
2.50 p.m: Bell will ring for remaining students to collect their bags and be dismissed from their classroom at 2.55 p.m.
*A reminder if you are unwell you are advised to remain home.
Thank you to Mrs Megan Meech for her organisation of our St Patrick’s Family Fun Day. Thank you to Mrs D’Arne Adams and the P&F for their assistance in organising the hot potatoes. Thank you to the Bos family for the donation of spuds.
Parents and Friends Committee
Thank you to all the parents who attended our Parents & Friends (P&F) AGM and first meeting this week. We welcome Sarah Youd as President and Kyra Bloomfield as Secretary. Thank you to outgoing president Kirrilly Jones, who continues to support the P&F in 2025. Sarah is currently organising a Facebook group of parents to communicate with a parent group in each grade. This term, the P&F committee will be organising an Easter Raffle. Tickets will be on sale soon.
Insight Survey
Insight SRC is conducting a survey on behalf of St Patrick’s and Catholic Education Tasmania. It is designed to assist schools in gaining an understanding of Parents’ perceptions of their children’s experience of school. The results will benefit everyone within the school by providing valuable information about the ways in which the school can use staff, student, and parent input to plan programs and activities to improve your child’s experience at school. We strongly encourage you to participate, but your participation is voluntary. It is important to remember, however, that the success of this important project is dependent on parents’ involvement.
The online survey can be accessed from Monday, 24 March to Friday, 4 April 2025 and will be emailed to families. Surveys are limited to 1 per household.
You may complete the survey at your convenience during this time.
Have a great week
Carmen Aylott
Term 1 - Friday 7th February - Thursday 10th April
Term 2 - Monday 28th April - Friday 4th July
Term 3 - Tuesday 22nd July - Friday 26th September
Term 4 - Tuesday 14th October - Thursday 18th December
*Student Free Days Friday 11th April, Monday 26th May, Monday 21st July, Monday 13th October.
(Easter - Good Friday 18th April, Easter Monday 21st April, Easter Tuesday 22nd April)
Dress: Green/St Patrick's Day theme. Enclosed shoes and no singlet tops. Hats are required for outside.
9.30am: Mass: Families invited. (No assembly)
12.50pm: Student Hot Potato Lunch, Menu includes green jelly cups & Zooper Doopers. Order via the QKR app. Orders close Friday, 14th, 3pm.
1.30pm: Activities in the school grounds begin. Parents may collect their child from their classroom (resume responsibility of their child) and participate in activities. Remaining students will participate in activities with their classroom teacher.
There will be many free activities but also some competitions (Guess the Number of Smarties in the Jar & “Lob o Choc”.) as well as a Stall (includes St Patrick’s Day themed items and produce). Therefore, students may bring some money to spend for the above games, coins are required for 'Lob o Choc'. Eftpos will be available in the stalls and at the canteen for drinks throughout the afternoon.
Please RSVP via the link if you will be attending St Patrick's Day Family Fun Afternoon - RSVP
The Staff toilets will be available for adults. Students use outside toilets as usual.
Activities conclude at 2.50pm.
2.50pm: Bell will ring for remaining students to collect their bags and be dismissed from their classroom at 2.55pm.
*A reminder if you are unwell, you are advised to remain home.
This year our 9-day school swimming program will commence on Tuesday, 18th March and run until Friday, 28th March. Years 3,4 & 5 will complete the 9-day program. Year 1 students will attend 4 days (Tuesday 18th - Friday 21st), and Year 2 will attend 5 days (Monday 24th - Friday 28th)
This is a curriculum-based program; therefore, we ask that families do not attend lessons during the swimming program.
Some important considerations include:
- Clothing items are to be clearly labelled with your child’s name.
- Students may wear their PE uniform to and from school for the duration of the swimming program.
- A bathing cap is essential for all students – students will not be permitted to swim without a cap.
- Students will walk to and from the venue under the supervision of school staff.
- Children should bring a plastic bag in which to put their wet bathers, bathing cap and wet towel.
- Goggles (may be worn when permitted by the instructor).
- Students may wear bathers to school, however, they will require clean underclothes to change into - students are not to wear wet bathers underneath their school uniform: it would be beneficial if families support us by encouraging their children to dry and dress themselves at home in preparation for the swimming program.
- Sunscreen must be worn and will be supplied by the school, but it is the responsibility of each student to apply it - help will be provided (if required) for Year 1 and 2 students.
Students will experience a variety of activities aimed at increasing confidence in the water and improving swimming skills. The Swimming Program is part of our Physical Education Curriculum and all students are encouraged to participate.
Parents of any Year 6 student who believe their child would benefit by being involved in this program, which is aimed at developing a recognized and efficient swimming technique, are asked to please contact Mrs Aylott or the school office prior to Friday 7th March. This involvement would be applicable for any Year 6 student who is not a competent, confident swimmer. Any Year 6 student would join the Year 5 class in their sessions.
Insight SRC is conducting this survey on behalf of St Patrick's Catholic School and Catholic Education Tasmania. It is designed to assist schools in gaining an understanding of parents' perceptions of their children’s experience of school.
The results will benefit everyone within the school by providing valuable information about how the school can use staff, student and parent input to plan programs and activities to improve your child's experience at school.
While your participation is voluntary, it is important to remember that the success of this important project is dependent on the involvement of all parents. Surveys will be emailed to families the week beginning Monday 24th March.
The 2025 Soccer Season will commence on Saturday, 5th April. As in previous years, there will be two rostered games before the first term break for school holidays, and will then recommence on Saturday, 3rd May.
Students from Kinder to Year 6 can register to play in the 2025 season. Registrations are now open. Please register via
All teams will require a coach who must be registered on the Football Australia website and must complete the school-issued safeguard briefing and hold a current WWVP card. Any teams who do not have a registered coach will be unable to compete in the 2025 season.
I have been assured that the registration website will be much easier to navigate this year! Further information will be forwarded to families as we receive it.
On the 28th March the second instalment is due. Thank you to families who have returned their Payment Arrangement form indicating their payment plan and payment method.
To families who have not returned their Payment Arrangement form, please complete this as soon as convenient. This form needs to be completed and signed by both parents/guardians (as per your child’s enrolment form). The form will then be in place for the duration of your child/s enrolment.
School Fees - Early payment discount
A 3% early payment discount will be offered on Fees (tuition fees only) if paid in full before the 31st March 2025. Please reduce your full fees by the listed discount below if paying in full by the 31st March 2025. To families who have already paid in full, a credit has been applied to your account to be used at a later date.
- 1 student family, discount of $56.70 = $2,143.30
- 2 student family, discount of $113.40 = $3,976.60
- 3 student family, discount of $153.09 = $5,259.91
If you have any questions or concerns regarding your 2025 school fees and payment arrangements, please do not hesitate to contact me via the school (6426 1626) or email (melinda.daunt@catholic.tas.

Research shows that the first five years of a child’s life are critical for their development. The experiences they have can shape who they become as an adult. We realise the importance of these years, and ensure that our SETUP sessions are full of play-based activities that allow children to investigate and learn in their own way.
Lots of time spent playing, talking, listening and interacting with you helps your child learn the skills they need for life. These skills include communicating, thinking, solving problems, moving and being with other people and children. That’s why our SETUP sessions allow children time for provocative play and exploring both on their own and with other children. We offer arts and crafts, story time, interactive games and activities as well as outside play.
The sessions will run on Wednesdays from 9:00 - 10:30 a.m. in the school hall. Please bring a piece of fruit to share, a hat and drink bottle. Tea and coffee is provided for parents/carers. We hope to see you there!
Mersey Leven Catholic Parish
Mersey Leven Catholic Parish is a Catholic community of many people who seek together to live and share the joy of the Gospel.
Parish Office: 90 Stewart St Devonport
Wednesday - Friday 9am - 2pm
Phone: 036424 2783
See the Parish website for more information