NEWSLETTER 33 - November 2nd 2021
Principal's Reflection
Upcoming Events
2022 Term Dates
Staff News
Progressive Achievement Tests
School Communication - School Newsletter
Discussions with teachers during school hours (8.30am – 2.55pm)
Class attendance at Parish Masses
Student Mathematics books provided to parents in week 2; English books next week.
Pre-Kinder program.
Progressive Achievement Tests
School Chaplain - Welcome back Mr Angliss
Religious Education - Mrs. Halley
Athletics Carnival
Lost Property
Staff Car Park
WEST Award
Student of the Week
House & Recycling Raffle Winners
Photos of Sporting Events
Taking Photos
Latrobe Basketball Association - 1/2 day focussing on the "Fab 5 Skills Training Camp
Latrobe Junior Cricket Club
Nut Allergy School
Inquiring Minds - Birth to 5 Years
Care and Concern - UPDATE
Check in TAS App
Covid-19 School Safety Protocol
Principal's Reflection
There is a quote that states, “Treat a work of art like a prince. Let it speak to you first.” Extrapolating this to our school Mercy values of Respect, Hospitality, Mercy and Compassion, perhaps an effective barometer of the life of these values in our school community would be to let impartial visitors informally determine by our acts and words how members of the school community live out or ‘speak to’ these values to the unobserved. Our student House Captains’ task last week was to be alert to those in our school community who were displaying one of our key four Mercy values; Compassion. One succinct definition of compassion is that it is a powerful orientation to address suffering and to work out how we can alleviate and prevent it. The Nineteenth century European philosopher, Arthur Schopenhauer defines Compassion is the basis of morality. In their early developmental years, children don’t fully comprehend how their actions affect those around them. Their area of focus is primarily on themselves and their immediate needs. As a child grows, they become more aware of others and their needs, and have a greater capacity for emotional intelligence. To ensure healthy development and growth, it is important for children to show compassion and empathy. The ability for children to demonstrate compassion and empathy benefits the whole child – not just in their early years.
Paul Gilbert is Professor of Clinical Psychology at the University of Derby in the UK is the author of many books, including The Compassionate Mind: A New Approach to Life's Challenges and Overcoming Depression. For the first two decades of his work in psychology, Paul Gilbert focussed on the personality trait of self-criticism, which underpins many forms of mental health difficulty. Self-criticism creates quite a lot of disturbances in the mind. Gilbert has conducted numerous clinical trials and concludes compassion is basically both a motivation (the motivation to be sensitive to suffering in self and others, rather than turning away from it, so you are open to it, empathically engaging with it as opposed to closing it down, dissociating and so forth) and a wisdom aspect (working out how to help, how to alleviate, how to prevent.)
It is it important for us to be critical of ourselves to be productive, get things done effectively and well the key thing is let's make a distinction between self-correction and self-criticism. Gilbert implies that since the late '50s, '60s, there's been a concept of self-liberation and it's all about what we do and our own self-achievement; an agenda for
‘me, me, me’. And he cites data suggesting that ‘me, me, me’ sense, feeds into vulnerabilities to depression, particularly in young people, which is also closing people's sense of creating community. The perception by some (even many), people that compassion is a weakness or somehow a soft option, is refuted by Gilbert’s research. In the context of our own Mercy tradition with Christ being the example, we often talk about the compassion of Christ, not necessarily the kindness of Christ, and Jesus was no coward and offers no soft options to those who wish to follow his teachings.
We need to ‘shake and rattle’ terms that we may use too often and are in danger of being overused and understated. Gilbert states that compassion doesn't have anything to do with love; the most compassionate acts are often acts for those we don't know or necessarily love. He states that people often say, “well, you've got to love yourself before you can be compassionate”; no, you certainly do not according to Gilbert who concludes that compassionate people tend to be a little bit on the self-critical side, whereas the egotists of this world are not. Compassion is a powerful orientation to address suffering and to work out how we can alleviate and prevent it, which is beautifully expressed by the Confucius scholar, Lao Tsu’s wonderful sentiment: “I have just three things to teach: simplicity, patience, compassion. These three are your greatest treasures.”
Rod Linhart
Upcoming Events
- Mon 1st: Public Holiday - Recreation Day
- Wed 3rd: School Counselor available
- Thurs 4th: Athletics Carnival
- Mon 8th: Morning Assembly - All Welcome
- School Swimming Program (2 weeks Yr 2-5)
- 2022 Pre-Kinder Session (9am - 10.30am)
- School Swimming Program (2 weeks Yr 2-5)
- Wed 10th: School Counselor available
- Mon 15th: Morning Assembly - All Welcome
- 2022 Pre Kinder Session (9am - 10.30am)
- 2022 Pre Kinder Session (9am - 10.30am)
- Wed 17th: School Counselor available
- Mon 22nd: Morning Assembly - All Welcome
- 2022 Pre Kinder Session (9am - 10.30am)
- Thurs 25th: Devonport All Schools Triathlon
- Fri 26th: Devonport Show Public Holiday
- Mon 29th: Morning Assembly - All Welcome
- Year 5 Camp - Depart (Details TBA)
- Tues 30th - SBSC Year 6 Orientation Day (8.40am - 3.00pm)
- Year 5 Camp - Return
- Year 5 Camp - Return
2022 Term Dates
Term 1 - Thursday 3rd February - Thursday 14th April
Term 2 - Monday 2nd May - Friday 8th July
Term 3 - Monday 25th July - Friday 30th September
Term 4 - Monday 17th October - Thursday 15th December
Staff News
Mrs Marshall, Mrs Badcock, Mrs Tueon and Mr Linhart are attending a First Aid course today and the first half of tomorrow; Mr Atkins will be away this Thursday (Curriculum meeting) and Friday (Long Service Leave); Mr O’Brien and Mrs Fenton will be way this Friday attending a Writing workshop.
Progressive Achievement Tests
This week our students from Year 1 to Year 6 will complete Progressive Achievement Tests (PAT) for Reading, Maths, General Ability (Years 2 -6), Spelling (Years 3 - 6) and Vocabulary (Years 3 -6). These tests are completed online and indicate progress over a 12 month period.
School Communication - School Newsletter
Communication between school to home, and home to school is extremely important in ensuring important information is shared in a timely and clear manner. Our School Newsletter remains the most important source of school-home communication, promoting events, protocols, student achievement and class news. Our School Board met last Thursday and after some discussion the School Board would like to survey the parent community for a response in regard to their preference for the School Newsletter - the online, digital Schoolzine form became the only form of Newsletter (eight families still prefer to receive a print Newsletter) early in term 2. Today, families will receive a print copy (to refresh memories of the School Newsletter in print from) and they will still receive a link to the online Schoolzine School Newsletter. In this print School Newsletter, families will find a survey form that they are invited to return to school by this Friday 5th November please. Alternately, please note in your child’s diary whether you prefer the print Newsletter or the online Newsletter. Thank you in anticipation of your thoughtful response.
Discussions with teachers during school hours (8.30am – 2.55pm)
Classrooms, and teachers, are extremely busy from 8.30 to 3.00pm each school day. Catching up with a teacher during class time is ideal if it concerns a quick question or clarification, however, parents are asked to arrange a time before or after school (preferably face-to-face) to discuss aspects of learning and teaching to ensure all parties have sufficient time and opportunity to have a productive conversation. Intentions and communication can often be confused if we don not allow sufficient time to both talk with, and listen to, another. Thank you in anticipation of your cooperation in ensuring the observance of this very important protocol.
Class attendance at Parish Masses
Classes will be involved in one visit to St Patrick’s Catholic Church this term, participating in a Parish Mass with a cobber class. In addition, Catholic students in Years 3 to 6 will attend three Parish Masses this term. These visits offer students the opportunity to read and listen to the day’s scriptures, observe and participate in the Parish Mass, have questions answered by Father Jaison or Father Steven and to come to appreciate some Catholic ritual and tradition. Family members are always most welcome to attend these Masses, which are scheduled each Wednesday from 9.30am to 10.15am.
Student Mathematics books provided to parents in week 2; English books next week.
Students will take an English notebook to share with parents next week. We will include this as a regular feature throughout the year as a means of initiating discussions between parents and children, and between parents and teachers in regards to content coverage in key learning areas - Mathematics books were taken home.
Pre-Kinder program.
St Patrick’s will be offering a Pre-Kinder program each Monday morning for three weeks for children who have been accepted into our 2022 Kindergarten class. Sessions will be facilitated by Laura Stoessiger and Kim Klug, our current kindergarten teacher and teacher-assistant. The sessions will begin at 9.00am and conclude at 10.30am, and all sessions will take place in the St Patrick’s Catholic School Kindergarten classroom on the following days: Monday 8th November; Monday 15th November; Monday 22nd November. Children to bring a drink & morning tea please. The three Pre-Kinder sessions are aimed to provide your child with a realistic ‘taste’ of kindergarten for 2022; due to our funding agreement with the federal government, parents of pre-kinder aged students are obliged to remain on the school grounds for the duration of any pre-kinder session. There are no fees to register your child, however, it would be appreciated if a gold coin donation could accompany your child each Monday to assist us in supporting the program. We look forward to being part of this program with you.
Progressive Achievement Tests
This week our students from Year 1 to Year 6 will complete Progressive Achievement Tests (PAT) for Reading, Maths, General Ability (Years 2 -6), Spelling (Years 3 - 6) and Vocabulary (Years 3 -6). These tests are completed online and indicate progress over a 12 month period.
School Chaplain - Welcome back Mr Angliss
After a break of three terms, Mr Angliss returned to his role as SchoolChaplain for St Patrick’s School last week, immediately offering students the opportunity to engage in the following recess and lunch activities:table tennis, Newcombe, chess and carpet bowls. Mr Angliss will also offer a simple breakfast club every Wednesday and Friday - many thanks to those students, especially Kale and Adam, who have volunteered to assist Mr Angliss in this generous support of hospitality to begin these days. It is good to have you back Mr Angliss!
Religious Education - Mrs. Halley
Socktober - thank you to all students and staff for supporting the St Vincent de Paul Socktober initiative that aims to raise funds to support the less well off. St Patrick’s raised $265.00.
Athletics Carnival
Our athletics carnival will be held this Thursday 4th November. Please see below the planned itinerary for the day's events, this is an indication of times and may differ slightly on the day. Students are to wear their PE uniform or a house coloured t-shirt may be worn. Students from Year 3-6 will be selected from this carnival to represent St Patrick's at the NWCPS Carnival which will be held in Penguin on Wednesday 17th November.
Spectators are welcome at this event, please make sure that you check-in via the Tas Check-In app or sign in at the school office.
Lost Property
Currently, we have a large quantity of lost property in our lost property box, we also have several students who have lost jackets, jumpers, etc that are named and can not be located in lost property. Could we ask all parents as the year is coming to an end to please check their children's bags for any items that are not their own and return them back to your child's class teacher or the office. Thank you.
Any unclaimed lost property at the end of the year will be made available for donations leading into 2022.
Staff Car Park
In the interest of safety, a reminder that families are asked to not use the Staff Carpark as an entrance to the school. Families can access the school via the gate near the Noone St turning circle. Thank you for your support of student wellbeing.
WEST Award
Congratulations to Ryan Davey who received a WEST Award during today’s morning assembly. We will continue to acknowledge those students who exhibit WEST (Welcoming, Encouraging; Sorry; Thankful) qualities and Mercy Values (Hospitality, Compassion, Mercy and Respect) by presenting awards at our Monday morning assemblies.
Student of the Week
Prep: Olivia Turner for her application towards her Maths tasks. Well done on your accuracy Olivia.
Year 1: Dana Al-Roubaie for your outstanding work with spelling your Oxford sight words. Great effort Dana!
Year 2: Violet Furley for the care that she puts into creating exceptionally neat bookwork.
Year 3: Lucy Chapman for her positive, caring attitude and for her application towards completing tasks. Well done Lucy!
Year 4: Jimmy Tueon for his great organisation skills, willingness to help others and his application to all learning tasks.
Year 5: Tyla O’Toole for her positive, enthusiastic and mature approach to all set tasks. Tyla puts 100% into all of her work.
Year 6: Stella Riley for her respectful manner and patience while portraying the Sergeant of Arms in the House of Representatives role play.
House & Recycling Raffle Winners
Byrne House: Archer Parry
Dooley House: Charlie Jones
Martyn House: Zita Omogbai-Musa
Photos of Sporting Events
If any parents or guardians have photos of students from school sporting teams and would like to see these included in the newsletter, please email them to
Taking Photos
Please be aware when taking photos of your own child that it is important to ensure, where possible, that faces of other students are not in the photo. This is especially important if you plan to put a photo of your child on social media. It is never appropriate to put a photo of another child on social media or upload it to the internet without the express permission of that child's parent/s and/or guardian/s.
Latrobe Basketball Association - 1/2 day focussing on the "Fab 5 Skills Training Camp
The Latrobe Basketball Association would like to invite returning Junior Athletes and any new athletes considering joining the latrobe basketball Demons for the 2022 season to a 1/2 day camp focussing on the "Fab 5"basketball skills: shooting; passing; dribbling; footwork; 1 on 1 defence. The training day is free and will be led by accredited coach, Matthew Parker and will be held at the Latrobe Basketball Stadium. Sessions will be on Saturdays during November and will be 2x 90 min with a 30 min break in between sessions. Please bring a reversible top or one dark and one light tshirt, basketball, drink bottle, notebook, pen and snacks. Spots are limited so please email-
2022 Age groups:
U/12 Girls; 13th Nov, 9-12.30pm; U/14 Girls: 13th Nov, 1-4.30pm; U/12 Boys: 20th Nov, 9-12.30pm; U/14 Boys: 27th Nov, 9-12.30pm; U/16/U/18: Girls: 20th Nov, 1-4.30pm; U/16/U18 Boys, 27th Nov, 1-4.30pm.
Latrobe Junior Cricket Club
Nut Allergy School
A reminder to parents that St Patrick's is a Nut Allergy School and that we ask that parents not pack nuts or nut products in their children's lunchboxes.
Inquiring Minds - Birth to 5 Years
‘Inquiring Minds’ Birth to 5 program - a ‘Set-Up for Success’ Catholic Education Tasmania initiative.
Our ‘Inquiring Minds’ birth to 5 program operates each Friday during school term time from 9.00am to 10.30am. This program involves a considerable focus on communicating to parents the learning intentions of important activities that are associated with early years learning. Mrs Klug will be working to engage parents in early years learning experiences that will ensure children who are enrolling in Kindergarten, will be informed in regards to developing key social, emotional, physical and cognitive skills and understandings. Parents or an adult family member stays for the duration of these sessions; there is no cost, however if you would like to donate a gold coin it would be appreciated. Please feel welcome to participate.
Care and Concern - UPDATE
We often have families who are in need of support 'on the day' and our request for support, such as a meal, may be supplied too late to really assist at a critical juncture. As such, if you feel that you are willing and able to assist in the preparation of a meal (or even a portion of a meal) that we can then store in the school freezer and make available to families 'on the day', please feel welcome to drop in a meal - it could simply be adding a little more of the same ingredients to a meal you are already preparing and putting aside the extra quantity for our Care and Concern initiative. Always please contact your child’s teacher, the office staff or Mr Linhart if you feel we could offer support in any way to anyone in our school community in need. Thank you.
Check in TAS App
It is now a requirement, as part of our COVID Policy, that any adult that visits the school must sign in using the 'Check in TAS App'.
Please view the below PDF for information regarding how to install and use the Check in TAS App.
We have QR codes at the office, school hall, entry doors and classroom doors that can be scanned using this app when you enter a school building.
If you do not have a smartphone or device that will let you install this app, you will need to visit the school office so that we can check you in.
Covid-19 School Safety Protocol
- Adults to please hand sanitise upon entering any school building: the school provides hand sanitiser at school venue entry points or adults may use their own (and be observed to use a sanitiser).
- Adults, where practicable, to maintain 1.5m physical distancing, observing seating arrangements as communicated by signage or instruction please: indoor event attendance limited to one person per 2 square metre per indoor space.
- Adults to sign-in, either at the school office or on a list provided at the entry of the school building. The school is obligated to record contact details of visitors to school events held in school venues, with this information stored securely for a period of 21 days.
- Appropriate COVID safe signage is communicated at school entry points. Key message to visitors - if feeling unwell, it is important not to be in attendance; the school will bar entry to people who have tested positive for COVID-19 or who are close contacts of a person who has tested positive for COVID-19.
- Although daily cleaning of frequently touched internal surfaces is undertaken, we ask adult visitors to avoid touching surfaces unnecessarily.