NEWSLETTER 6 - 8th March 2022
Principal's Reflection
2022 Term Dates
Upcoming Events
School Policies
Personal Toys
Home Readers / Level Readers
Social Media
Inquiring Minds
Year 3 News
School Canteen - New Ordering System (QKR APP)
Health & Physical Education (HPE)
School Counsellor - Karlie
WEST Award
Student of the Week & House Raffle Winners
Religious Education News
Project Compassion
School Swimming Trials – Friday 11th March
Prayer for Ukraine
Hospitality and Compassion in Action
Devonport Junior Soccer Association – Registrations Open
School Photo Day - Tuesday 22nd March
COVID School Safety Plan
Devonport Basketball Winter Primary Roster - Copy
Devonport Junior Soccer - Referee Training - Copy
Devonport Strikers Academy
Devonport Strikers Academy
Nut Allergy School
Care and Concern
Pope Francis is attributed as saying, “"During Lent, let us find concrete ways to overcome our indifference...Fasting makes sense if it really chips way at our security, as a consequence, benefits someone else, if it helps us cultivate the style of the good Samaritan who bent down to his brother in need and took care of him." All ‘good education’ involves a degree of introspection, the ability coupled with desire to use newly learned knowledge, understandings and skills to embark on a new and hopefully more fulfilling experience. However, all ‘good education’ is also usually associated with a degree of sacrifice; the willingness and necessity to give something up – time spent on more idle pursuits, relationships that are ‘counter-productive’ or even aspects of financial security – which aligns beautifully with the intent of Lent.
During this time of Lent, the value of introspection is heightened, however, introspection is empty and wasteful if it fails to lead to some positive action. We all know someone who never gives up and as parents and educators, we wish to inculcate in our children and students the quality of resilience and tenacity, which are hallmarks of being effective learners and contribute to being people of character. Tenacity, or the ability to keep trying, to be resilient and almost unrelenting in the face of hardships and challenges, is a quality that characterises many of the lives of people we look up to as role models, even as heroes. Louis Pasteur, the famous scientist, stated the maxim common to people of achievement when he said, “Let me tell you the secret that has led me to my goal: my strength lies solely in my tenacity”.
Herein lies the great revelation for us that Lent provides – what do the goals that we have set ourselves reveal about our character? As with no other ‘season’, Lent compels us to reflect on our character, and often our character is tempered by the goals that drive us and how we seek to achieve these goals. In meeting with staff on a regular basis, I can attest that our staff set themselves goals that are aimed at enhancing learning outcomes for the students in their care. I believe they go about achieving these goals in a sensible and considered manner. There is the realisation, though, that these goals that are established by staff, are reliant on support from families and the cooperation of the children. It is heartening that we are part of a school community that is characterised generally, as being likeminded in our appreciation of ‘the common good’, which allows for affirmation of an individual’s quest for excellence, a quest or journey that relies on significant intrinsic motivation and external support and resourcing.
The many variables that are subsumed in this process are not unique to education; if our home-school goals and strategies are not complementary, if we are not tenacious and consistent in setting realistic goals that are mutually inclusive, do not be surprised at a disappointing outcome. Lent ‘permits’ us to reflect on our character to allow growth through correction, which offers us much regarding goal setting.
Thank you to all in our school community who, through their individual tenacity, tempered by honest introspection and complemented by values such as compassion, hospitality, respect and mercy, contribute to a common good by working towards realising worthy goals this Lent and beyond.
Rod Linhart
Term 1 - Thursday 3rd February - Thursday 14th April
Term 2 - Monday 2nd May - *Friday 8th July
Term 3 - Monday 25th July - Friday 30th September
Term 4 - Monday 17th October - Thursday 15th December
*Student Free Day Friday 8th July 2022
Friday 11th March: School swimming trials Years 3 to 6 – bus to Devonport ‘Splash’
Monday 14th March: Eight Hour Day holiday.
Thursday 17th March: St Patrick’s Day - NW Swimming Carnival, Burnie (Cancelled)
Tuesday 22nd March: School Photo Day.
Included in every school diary this year are five important policies: Diary; Homework; Uniform; Jewellery and hair; and Behaviour management. These and other policies are also available on our school website and are a reflection of our school governance - I encourage you to be familiar with these five policies in particular. The school Newsletter will occasionally feature an aspect of our school policies in an effort to raise awareness of the processes and protocols that support everyone’s learning at St Patrick’s. The following passage is taken from our School Jewellery and Hair Policy:
Aims: To provide a consistent focus and a sense of direction for students.
To prevent excesses in fashion trends by allowing the wearing of unobtrusive jewellery and hairstyles that are neither unusual nor distractive and which do not promote competitive behaviour
Jewellery guidelines: Acceptable forms of jewellery may include one or more of the following:
- A set of earrings; these being plain studs or sleepers worn in the lower ear lobes.
- A plain bangle or bracelet; a watch.
- A Christian symbol worn around the neck e.g. a cross or medal; a signet ring.
All jewellery is to be removed by students before playing in school sports teams and before participating in competitive physical educational activities. In general, this would not include weekly physical education classes.
Hair guidelines (parents are encouraged to contact the principal if they are not clear on this expectation prior to their child’s hair cut):
- Hair is to be clean, neat and tidy at all times.
- Hair longer than shoulder length is to be worn tied back as a health and safety measure. Ribbons, clips, bands and ‘scrunchies’ are to be discreet in nature and of school colours: green, navy blue or yellow.
- Hair colouring, including bleaching, is unacceptable
- Excessively gelled or styled hair is considered unacceptable: This includes razor cuts and designs.
Other items:
The following miscellaneous items are unacceptable: coloured hair and hair accessories, nail polish, makeup, anklets and friendship bands.
How we make this policy work:
When in doubt, parents and students should, in the first instance and prior to any hair styling, should first seek the advice of the school Principal, who is empowered by the School Board to implement the approved Jewellery and Hair Policy. Sensible adherence to this policy is the responsibility of everyone in the school community.
There are occasions when students would like to share some information about a new or loved toy and teachers can make accommodations during show and tell opportunities. This usually involves some communication between home and school via the diary. Unfortunately, the bringing of toys to school without teacher supervision usually eventuates in someone or a group of children being upset - toys can break or become lost or others are excluded. Please support for our expectations that children’s toys remain at home unless there is a reason as communicated between the teacher and parents. Thank you for your support of this protocol.
Parents should please be aware of the following important points that relate to our whole-school approach to the use of home readers/levelled readers:
- All enquiries regarding a child’s reading level and his or her engagement in home readers/levelled readers should be undertaken with your child’s teacher/s.
- Teachers will endeavour to test each student for their reading level twice a term (this can take up to 40 minutes per child). The teacher will inform parents of any level change that may eventuate from these tests.
- Staff will endeavour to ensure children have a variety of books at their level to borrow, however, there may be times that a child may receive a book that they have already read - this is not a concern as children will benefit by reading the same levelled ready twice provided this doesn’t occur too frequently.
- Home readers/Levelled readers are changed daily by staff - these books should be dropped in the respective class home reader basket.
A child’s level is indicative of fluency (accurate pronunciation, attention to punctuation), confidence with vocabulary and comprehension.
Although not being on social media myself I am aware of some of the benefits of this type of communication in the community. I am aware that some parents belong to social media sites that are related to specific school classes – these sites are not school-supported and are convened by parents and serve a purpose; once again, I am aware of some benefits of this type of informal communication. Staff are aware of one of the maxims that is used in our regular staff communication – “Talk with, not to, not about.” I would encourage any question regarding a school policy, procedure, event to be directed to a person who should be best placed to provide an accurate response, which, if related to a school policy, practice or event is a teacher or myself. Parents are welcome to contact me at any time by ringing the school number (6426 1626) and, if I am not available, I will respond to a message.
Regarding: ‘Inquiring Minds: Set-up for Success’
Recommences this Friday 11th March 2022
Dear parents,
We look forward to welcoming families to our birth to four years program ‘Inquiring Minds: Set-up for Success’, which we will offer each Friday morning from 9.00am to 10.30am during school term time, beginning Friday 11th March. Mrs Kim Klug will, once again, offer this popular program. Some particulars regarding your preparation and participation in this program includes:
- 9.00am start using the school kindergarten room (please sign-in at the school office prior to going to the kindergarten room.)
- Please bring some morning tea for your child.
- Outside play will feature strongly this term – a change of clothes would be advised in case of ‘enthusiastic’ water play.
- Gold coin donation appreciated.
Certain protocols are in place that reflects our School COVID Safety Plan and more information will be provided to families as the school is provided with updates, however, a summary of the actions the school will be undertaking that support the wellbeing of all in our school community that you need to be aware of includes:
- St Patrick’s implements the Catholic Education Tasmania’s COVID Safety Plan, key aspects include:
- Staff and adults are to wear face masks inside buildings unless teaching or unless there is a need for greater clarity of enunciation.
- Children are not expected to wear face masks.
- Children are not expected to wear face masks.
- Parent prerogative (choice) regarding vaccination of their child/children: Non-discriminatory inclusion.
- Classroom doors and windows will be open where practicable to enhance flowthrough of air.
- Classroom air conditioners have been thoroughly cleaned by air conditioning cleaning professionals.
- Classroom air conditioners have been thoroughly cleaned by air conditioning cleaning professionals.
- Enhanced cleaning protocols, including heightened expectation of hand washing or sanitisation upon entering school buildings.
- School cleaners are informed our school COVID SAFETY PLAN.
- Staff and adults are to wear face masks inside buildings unless teaching or unless there is a need for greater clarity of enunciation.
- Staff and student health and safety is of the upmost importance and one of our key challenges for term 1 will be maintaining staff attendance and minimising disruption to face-to-face teaching.
- All parents who enter the school building are required to sign-in at the school office please and provide contact details on the attendance sheet provided at the entrance door to the kindergarten; parents should then enter the classroom from the external exit door please (the classroom door that faces a playground or external pathway area) rather than walk through internal corridors.
- Adults on site and outside are not required to wear face masks or sign-in, however, please observe 1.5 m distancing.
- If a visitor, student or member of staff is seen to be displaying cold or flu symptoms, we will assume COVID infection – the person expected to stay home and take a COVID test. Symptoms include: a cough, fever, shortness of breath, fatigue, body aches, headache, sore throat, runny nose.
- Close contact due to confirmed case of a household member:
- The person must not come to school – the family is expected to inform the principal and quarantine.
- The person must quarantine for seven days from the date of the contact even if asymptomatic.
- The person can enter the school on day seven of the quarantine provided two negative RAT results (days 1 and 6 of the quarantine period)
- Classmates of a confirmed case in the classroom:
- The school will contact the parents of children in the class to be alert for symptoms.
All the best and I hope this assists with some preparations and allows you some reassurance regarding our school response. More will be communicated to you when more information is communicated and confirmed with the school – we are greatly looking forward to welcoming you back to ‘Inquiring Minds: Set-up for Success’ birth to four program on Friday 11th March 9.00am to 10.30am.
Year 3 have been learning to respond to the artwork of others and using the artist's influence to create our own artworks. We have been examining the work of Vincent Van Gogh's "Sunflowers." Some of us thought his painting made us feel happy, think of Summer and warmth. We created our own work through the use of pencil, oil pastels, markers and dye wash.
The school canteen commenced last Thursday 3rd March and what a successful day it was. A special thank you to Mrs Anthony and Mr Angliss who worked together like well-oiled machines.
We have moved to an online ordering platform this year (QKR). This will be the only way that you will be able to order canteen, orders must be received by no later than 8.00 am on Thursday mornings. There will no longer be any cash sales available all orders must be made via the QKR app.
Please see the attached information in regards to downloading the app and adding the required details to order the canteen. The full canteen menu is now available via the app.
Until further notice, the canteen will only be operating on a Thursday unless we can find some family support to assist in the canteen. At this stage, we still require parent volunteers who can commit to assisting on Thursdays and Fridays in the canteen. If you are able to volunteer some time on either of these days. Please confirm your availability via the following Google document link.
HPE is offered to students in Prep, Years 1 and 2 on Mondays and Years 3 to 6 on Fridays. Students are welcome to wear their sports uniform on both days.
Karlie offers discrete counselling services to students upon both parent's signed request. Request forms are available from the school office or can be downloaded from the school website.
Congratulations to the following students who have received Student of the Week.
Prep: Evie Atkins for her positive approach towards all your work and for helping others.
Year 1: Gracie Morse for consistently demonstrating the WEST values promoted at our school.
Year 2: Ethan Dick for his excellent application and attitude to all learning tasks.
Year 3: Porter Smith for his application towards competing tasks and for his positive and cooperative attitude.
Year 4: Ruby Warren for consistently displaying WEST qualities.
Year 5: William Brazendale for his excellent listening and attitude to learning.
Year 6: Kyan Mayes for his inclusion of emotive language in order to engage the reader, while writing his ‘I am …’ poem.
Congratulations to our House Raffle winners this week:
Dooley - Tyla O'Toole Martyn - Kyan Mayes
Byrne - Chloe Johnson
Season of Lent
We are now in the season of Lent which is one of the most important seasons in the Church’s liturgical year. The colour for lent is purple which is a symbol of repentance as well as the royalty of Christ as King of all Kings.
At school we are focusing on ‘Changing Our Hearts’ to get closer to God by looking at the way we act and how we treat others. Last week during the Ash Wednesday Liturgy the children were encouraged to think of things they could do to change their hearts, open them to God and be better people. The following questions were reflected upon in our prayer liturgy.
How can you be a better person this Lent?
What can you do to help other people in the classroom?
What can you do to make a difference at school?
How can you make a difference in your community?
What can you do at home to show your family you love them?
How can I show Jesus’ love to others?
Please take time with your children to have a conversation with your child about the reflection and make a focus for your family this Lent.
A Lenten Prayer to Share.
We ask you to change our hearts,
As we journey through these forty days of Lent.
Help us to see Jesus in everyone we meet,
And to serve him by loving others,
Especially the poor, the sick and the lonely.
Confirmation Faith Sharing Sessions:
This week Monday 7th or Tuesday 8th 3.00 - 7.00 at Our Lady of Lourdes Church
Reconciliation Faith Sharing Sessions
Next week 14th or 15th March 3.00 - 7.00 at Our Lady of Lourdes Church
Part of Lent is Almsgiving or Giving to the poor. As a school, we are collecting money for Project Compassion during Lent. Each class has a money box to add any change that you may have free to help those who are not as fortunate as we are.
First Week of Lent
(Week beginning Monday 7th March)
We begin our annual Lenten Project Compassion journey by learning about Anatercia, a 12-year-old girl living in a small village in southern Mozambique. She began to take on more and more adult responsibilities as her mother has chronic health issues. She did most of the household chores and had to travel up to five hours every day to collect clean water. Water scarcity also meant that harvests were poor and there was never enough to eat.
With your support, Caritas Australia’s local partner, Caritas Regional Chokwe, was able to help Anatercia’s family to irrigate their farm to improve their food security. They also improved water access for households in the village, delivered sustainable farming training, and provided Anatercia with essential school supplies.
Anatercia’s health, education and quality of life have improved, along with the outlook of her whole community for all future generations.
Watch a short film about Anatercia’s story here.
Please support Project
Children in Years 3 to 6 will be transported by bus to Devonport ‘Splash’ to the pool at 9.10am to commence at 9:30am and will return by 12.50pm. Children may wear their bathers to school underneath their sports uniform ensuring that they have a hat and jacket to protect them from the sun. Please ensure children have had sunscreen applied at home – sunscreen will be available at school and at the pool. The Northwest Catholic Primary Schools Swimming Carnival that was to be held in Burnie on Thursday 17th March has now been cancelled.
- Students in Years 3 to 6 will require morning tea brought from home; the pool canteen will not be available for students to purchase snack items.
- Please respond to the permission form that was distributed via Compass yesterday Monday 7th
This event is closed to spectators - a reflection of our Covid-19 Safety Plan. For any inquiries, please contact Mr Linhart.
Prayer for Ukraine
We pray to you Lord Jesus,
for the people of the Ukraine who are
experiencing conflicts and deaths.
Bless the leaders with wisdom,
vision and perseverance needed to build together
a world of justice and solidarity,
and to break down walls of hostility and division.
A member of our St Patrick’s School community has been instrumental in resettling and welcoming two Ukrainians to resettle in Australia in about two weeks, hopefully earlier. The two individuals left the southern port city of Kherson about a week ago; this city is now under control by Russia and one of the refugee’s parents appear to be held in detention after being 'captured'. These two refugees will be coming with very little therefore we are asking members of the school community for an offer of some support in the form of donations of basic household items such as beddings, towels business vouchers to enable these two people an opportunity to appreciate the blessings that come from a compassionate community. If you can assist, please either contact Mr Linhart or drop items off outside his office.
Registrations close on Monday 14th March
2022 Soccer registrations are now open to families. Registrations and payment need to be completed online this year at The cost per child to register for 2022 is $70.00 - Ticket to Play will also be available for families to use this year. Please provide the school office with a copy of your Ticket to Play voucher once you have redeemed it. Please contact Tameka if you have any problems with the online registration process.
The 2022 soccer season will commence on Saturday 2nd April with an initial two week roster as per previous years. All teams will be required to have a nominated coach, who holds a current WWVP card prior to teams being entered into the competition.
Our school photo day will be held on Tuesday 22nd March. Photos will only be available to order online this year. All families have received the online ordering information today as per the below link. The access key is the same for every student, you must use your child/rens enrolled name when ordering photos. Family photos must be ordered by NO later than Sunday 20th March at 5pm. No late orders for Family photos will be accepted.
Household close contacts
- Last week the requirements for household close contacts have changed; their quarantine period starts on the same day as the confirmed case enters isolation and it finishes 7 days later provided they test negative on day 1 and day 6 of the quarantine period and they are symptom free on day 7.
- Furthermore, the quarantine period does not need to be extended should there be another confirmed case in the household within the dates for the above 7-day quarantine period.
The 2022 Devonport Basketball winter primary school roster commences on Wednesday 23rd March for grades 1 and 2 and Friday 25th March for grades 3 – 6. For further information on the upcoming rosters and to register please go to Registrations close Wednesday 9th March 2022. Should you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact the DBC Office on 64242440.
1.5 hour basic Referee training for Grade 5+ Children will be conducted at the DJSA Clubrooms.
New referees: Monday 7th or Thursday 10th March 6pm to 7.30pm.
Returning referees Monday 21st or Thursday 24th March 6pm to 7.30pm.
Queries may be directed to Referee Coordinator, Ros Dell –
A reminder to parents that St Patrick's is a Nut Allergy School and that we ask that parents not pack nuts or nut products in their children's lunchboxes.
Our school community is special in many ways - dedicated staff, supportive parents, cooperative students. Our Mercy Charism provides us with key values that are real ingredients for our uniqueness - Compassion, Hospitality, Respect and Mercy. We try hard to live out these values and one way of displaying compassion is for us to be a support to those in our school community who have undergone a loss. Please contact Mr Linhart, your child's class teacher or the school office if you or a member of the school community might benefit from some care & concern.