NEWSLETTER 10 - 5th April 2022
Principals Reflection
2022 Term Dates
Upcoming Events
Parent-Student-Teacher Meetings
Mother's Day Breakfast – Thursday 5th May (First week of term 2)
Summer-Winter Uniform Transition
Mandatory Reporting Requirements Under The Children, Young Persons And Their Families Act 1997
COVID Update
P&F News - Easter Raffle
Fruit and Rice Day - Wednesday 13th April
School Swimming Age Champions
Reminder: Social Media
Devonport Junior Soccer Association
Religious Education News
Project Compassion
Mini Vinnies News
School Canteen
Student of the Week & House Raffle Winners
WEST Award
School Assemblies
Reminder: Personal Toys
Emergency Practice
Furniture Appeal
School Refugee Support
Inquiring Minds
Care and Concern
Nut Allergy Aware School
Shimjang Taekwondo
Devonport Tennis Club Holiday Camp
NW Thunder School Holiday Clinic
With Easter almost upon us, it is timely to reflect and act on moments that move us: the look of triumph on our child’s face as we assist them with spelling, times-tables or a reading; discussions that we are involved in with our loved ones that deal with shared dreams and aspirations; our child sleeping after being read to. As key adults in our children’s lives, there is much that we acknowledge that we can ‘do’ or ‘be’, and there is much to appreciate in our ability to influence positive outcomes for our children ‘merely’ by our WEST-like engagements with routines and habits.
The weekend’s Church readings highlight how ‘precious is the present’. The Lenten message is always about change, changing aspects of ourselves to ensure we make the most of what opportunities avail by realising God’s gifts to us. “Jesus wept”. Two simple words that say so much about Jesus the man. How often have we been deeply moved, only to allow the critical moment of action to pass? We are only human, and the Easter story highlights our frailties, with our actions not necessarily reflecting our words regardless of our good intentions. As I look upon the generally eager and attentive sea of faces each morning during our assembly, I can understand Jesus’ depth of feeling for his friends. Our children are our greatest gifts and there may be aspects of our relationship with our children that need changing to ensure that the ‘precious present’ is complemented by actions that help our children realise their intrinsic special qualities. As teachers, we take the responsibility of our diverse role seriously; as parents, our role is far more enduring and deeper – what a gift we have been given and what a responsibility such a relationship entails.
With one week until the beginning of Holy Week, which will culminate in our Holy Thursday morning assembly (and the beginning of a well-earned two-week holiday), our staff are encouraging all students to continue to commit to their studies. The busy days in the classroom often conclude with the teacher lamenting the inadequacy of available time to get through the planned tasks; teachers are faced with often incredible challenges of enhancing student outcomes whilst respecting their need to support their own welfare. I trust that as many parents as possible take the opportunity to attend next week’s parent-student-teacher consultations; a time to discuss strengths, areas of need for future growth and a chance to relate our shared joys, and occasional shared despair, that are intrinsic to being part of a vibrant, future-oriented school community.
Much is planned and happening over the course of the two weeks leading up to Easter, however, as always Jesus establishes for us the protocol; ‘raise to life’ those areas of our lives that need action and nourish relationships in a loving, honest manner. Holy week begins next week and we will be conducting a Palm Sunday assembly on Monday morning. As always, all are welcome (please observe COVID safe protocols – sanitize and face masks indoors.)
Kind regards
Rod Linhart
Term 1 - Thursday 3rd February - Thursday 14th April
Term 2 - Monday 2nd May - *Friday 8th July
Term 3 - Monday 25th July - Friday 30th September
Term 4 - Monday 17th October - Thursday 15th December
*Student Free Day Friday 8th July 2022
Tuesday 12th April: Parent-Student-Teacher Meetings
Wednesday 13th April: Fruit and Rice Day / Parent-Student-Teacher Meetings
Thursday 14th April: Last Day of Term 1 - Easter Raffle Drawn
Monday 25th April: ANZAC Day
Thursday 5th May: Mother's Day Breakfast
Your child’s teachers are gaining an insight into your child’s strengths and challenges, and it is early enough in the year to now sit down and discuss some strategies to ensure 2022 is a year of academic and social growth for your child or children.
- As part of our reporting schedule, teachers will be making themselves available for parent-student-teacher discussions via Zoom between 8.30am and 6:00pm on Tuesday 12th April and Wednesday 13thFace-to-face meetings are the preferred means of communication, however, schools are still classified as high risk and vulnerable settings, hence our decision for Zoom meetings, which allow a degree of interaction that is slightly more enhanced than the telephone.
- Students are strongly encouraged to attend these discussions (although there may be a decision made by you and your child’s teacher that determines your child’s attendance at this meeting may not be appropriate).
- The intent of these 15-minute meetings is to have the opportunity to talk openly and honestly regarding your child’s progress this year, whilst also discussing some areas that might or will require some work.
- Information including dates and times will be sent out via Compass and bookings will be made via the Conference link on Compass.
- The Zoom meeting links will be sent via Compass for those who have made a booking. Each classroom teacher will have their own Zoom meeting link. If you need assistance with booking an appointment, please phone the office.
- Whilst Zoom is our preferred option on this occasion if you are unable to access Zoom, please let your child's teacher know and a phone conversation can be arranged.
Year 2, Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6 all have class teachers who share the teaching responsibility. Teachers discuss their planning and individual student strengths and challenges regularly and the level of collaborative professional conversation is impressive. Where possible, both teachers will attend parent-teacher-student meetings.
Mothers and/or female family members or significant female friends of students are warmly invited to attend a Mother’s Day breakfast that is proposed for Thursday 5th May from 8:00am to 8:50am, to be held in the area outside the school assembly hall (weather permitting.) Cereal, tea, coffee, juice, toast, eggs, bacon and home-made jams will be available. It is proposed the children will sing a welcoming song and the student captains will welcome everyone at 8.00am sharp, so your support of this commencement time is greatly appreciated please. More information will be forwarded to families next week.
Students are welcome to begin the summer-winter uniform transition from this Monday 4th April. During this two-week transition period leading up to the end of term 1, students are expected to be dressed in either full summer or full winter uniform please. Information regarding our school uniform is in the student diary or available on our school website. Please contact the school office for any uniform needs. Full school winter uniform is expected for all students from the first day of term 2, Monday, May 2nd.
As per our Sun Smart policy hats are compulsory in Term 1, students will be required to still wear hats whether they are in summer or winter uniforms for the remainder of the term.
This Act legally requires members of certain professions within the community to report concerns, or suspected abuse or neglect of children to Child Protection Services, or to a Gateway Service. For example, all employees within the Department of Health and Human Services, the Department of Education and Catholic Education Tasmania are mandated to report their knowledge, belief or suspicion that a child has suffered, or is at risk of, abuse or neglect; workers are legally obligated to report and may be held accountable if they fail to do so, which overrides any confidentiality and privacy requirements that may otherwise govern behaviour in this regard. Staff, therefore, are obliged to make notifications, usually through the principal, of any concern observed or communicated to them - staff do not investigate, nor interrogate.
- Online Learning: A reminder that online learning will only be provided for students who are required to isolate as a result of a positive COVID test, have been directed to isolate by Public Health or have been deemed a household close contact. Distancing: Adults will maintain a distance of 1.5 metres from each other.
- Ventilation Windows will be open where possible and purifiers have been made available where required.
- Hygiene: Regular hand washing and sanitising will continue.
- Cleaning: Regular cleaning and disinfecting of high touch surfaces and frequently used objects will continue.
- Checking In: Visitors will need to sign in at the school office.
- ld within the dates for the above 7 day quarantine period.
Term 2 – Catholic Education Tasmania are currently trying to finalise with Public Health and the Department of Education Covid planning for the start of Term 2. We will communicate any information to families once we have confirmation.
Caritas Project Compassion money boxes are asked to be returned on Wednesday 13th April please. On this day, Wednesday the 13th of April, students and staff are also invited to participate in a fruit and rice day to simulate the typical diet of children in some parts of the world who are less fortunate than ourselves. On this day students are asked to bring only fruit to school as a recess snack and at lunch the Mini-Vinnies and SRC will provide each student with a bowl of rice to eat. This is voluntary; however, it would be wonderful to see whole-school support as a small token of our gratitude in the light of the poverty of so many. As a school we will use the coins collected throughout Lent to spell out this years’ Caritas theme: For all future generations. Caritas does great things for people in need. At St. Patrick’s we support their good works by making small contributions to the Project Compassion boxes.
Congratulations to the following students who received Age Championship Swimming Medals during assembly yesterday: Sophie Mulcahy, Kyan Mayes, Melia Sesara, Livai Sesara, Harper Clark, William Hawkins, Dakota Skipworth, Zander Bloomfield.
Students in Years 3 to 6 who finished in the top three of their races will be invited to represent the school in the NW Catholic Schools Regional Swimming Carnival, which has been rescheduled to Thursday 10th November. More information early term 4.
Although not being on social media myself I am aware of some of the benefits of this type of communication in the community. I am aware that some parents belong to social media sites that are related to specific school classes – these sites are not school-supported and are convened by parents and serve a purpose; once again, I am aware of some benefits of this type of informal communication. Staff are aware of one of the maxims that is used in our regular staff communication – “Talk with, not to, not about.” I would encourage any question regarding a school policy, procedure, event to be directed to a person who should be best placed to provide an accurate response, which, if related to a school policy, practice or event is a teacher or myself. Parents are welcome to contact me at any time by ringing the school number (6426 1626) and, if I am not available, I will respond to a message.
Games for the Saturday morning Devonport Soccer Association school roster commenced last Saturday - this initial two-week roster, gives schools the opportunity to add or take out teams before full roster released. In readiness for Saturday7th May. Thank you to the following people who have volunteered to support the teams in the capacity of coach/sideline manager:
Under 5 (Kinder) Emma Rogers
Under 7 (Year 1) Andrew Bowkett
Under 8 (Year 2) Ben Dick
Under 9 (Year 3) Jamie Fawkner
Under 10 (Year 4) Kylie Ling (thank you to Steve Chapman who will manage this Saturday’s game)
Open 5 (Year 5) Claye Davis
Open 6 (Yar 6) Felicity Derin-Reeves
A reminder that the weekly roster and field allocation is communicated via the Devonport Junior Soccer website.
5th Week of Lent
We are coming towards the end of Lent and preparing for Holy Week next week. This week we are still focussing on:
- Prayer: During Lent, we are encouraged to pray more.
- Fasting: During Lent, we give up the food we love as a sacrifice.
- Almsgiving: During Lent, we must think about giving more to those who are in need. We can give money to charities, give old clothes, make hampers for people in need. Collect and save money to give to Project Compassion.
Lenten Prayer
“Stay with me, Lord, for it is necessary to have You present so that I do not forget You. You know how easily I abandon You.
Stay with me, Lord, because I am weak and I need Your strength, that I may not fall so often.
Stay with me, Lord, for You are my life, and without You, I am without fervor.
Stay with me, Lord, for You are my light, and without You, I am in darkness.
Stay with me, Lord, to show me Your will.
Stay with me, Lord, so that I hear Your voice and follow You.
Stay with me, Lord, for I desire to love You very much, and always be in Your company.
Stay with me, Lord, if You wish me to be faithful to You.
Stay with me, Lord, for as poor as my soul is, I want it to be a place of consolation for You, a nest of love.
Holy Week
Holy Week begins next week and is the pinnacle of the Catholic Tradition and during class time the children will be delving into the stories of Jesus’ last week in his ministry, the Paschal Mystery of Jesus life, death and resurrection. The children will be presenting and following the story of Jesus through Holy Week stories, meditations, prayers, liturgies and activities in classes.
Fifth Week of Lent
(Week beginning Monday 4th April)
This week through Project Compassion we learn about Shaniella who is attending a vocational school in the Solomon Islands supported by Caritas Australia Solomon Islands (CASI).
Not long after Shaniella started, the school was hit by a landslide, flooding, and a cyclone, all in quick succession.
With your kind support, CASI helped install water tanks, restoring clean water access to nearby schools, health centres and the wider community. Training was held in agricultural skills to help boost the school community’s food security, as well as in environmental risk management and emergency responses.
Now, Shaniella can complete her skills training, with enough water and food to eat, and improved sanitation. She is improving her ability to earn an income, learning skills which will expand her job opportunities. Students are also better prepared to respond when disaster strikes.
Watch a short film about Shaniella’s story here.
Please support Project Compassion:

Easter Egg Guessing
Don’t forget to bring in some money to guess how many easter eggs are in the jar. The Mini Vinnies students will be available before school next week to take guesses and raise money for Caritas, Project Compassion.
Only 50 cents a guess!
Money Line
The Mini Vinnies will be organising a Coin Line on Tuesday of Holy Week. All classes will bring out their boxes and line up the money in them to see which class has the longest line. The Mini Vinnies will then collect the money raised for Project Compassion.
Go Mini Vinnies!
The school canteen is operating Thursdays at this stage until we secure family support for Friday canteen. Information on the menu, including prices, is available via our school website. To support the operation of the school canteen at the commencement of the school year, the school has allocated some hours that will provide Mrs Anthony and Mr Angliss the opportunity to prepare the lunch orders, however, we welcome assistance with this initiative if it is to be sustained and opened to two days – Thursdays and Fridays. Ideally, we are hoping for a parent or family member to make themselves available to assist with the coordination to help relieve the workload on Mrs Anthony who has worked hard (a considerable amount of time in voluntary capacity) to prepare both the canteen facilities, and in ordering and preparing many items that will be available this Thursday. For the canteen to work as part of a school-parent initiative, and to two days (Thursdays and Fridays) we need volunteers (currently two parents have offered help for some Friday sessions, however, we are requiring more assistance throughout the year on Fridays if this is to be viable) who can commit to assisting on the day. If you consider that you have some time available on Thursdays (or Fridays) please confirm your availability via the following Google document link
Congratulations to the following students who have received Student of the Week.
Prep: Casey Youd for his excellent listening and always trying his best and for being kind to others. Thank you, Casey.
Year 1: Grace Freeman for her positive engagement and consistent good work across all areas of her learning.
Year 2: Dana Al-Roubaie for an improved neatness, attitude and focus in class tasks.
Year 3: Charlie Kerrigan for his enthusiasm towards writing tasks and for demonstrating respect and compassion towards his class mates.
Year 4: Cooper Cody for using his initiative to help pack up and reorganise equipment after PE and making positive choices in the classroom.
Year 5: Charlie Jones for improved application to his work and fabulous recent maths result.
Year 6: Thomas Marshall for the sense of humour and the humility he expresses in his poetry writing and through his daily actions.
Congratulations to our House Raffle & Recycling winners this week:
Dooley - Ethan Dick Martyn - Omar Abdelgayed
Byrne - Matilda Franklin
Whole school assemblies have commenced again each morning – parents are welcome; please follow the COVID Safety Plan protocols – sanitize and face masks indoors.
There are occasions when students would like to share some information about a new or loved toy and teachers can make accommodations during show and tell opportunities. This usually involves some communication between home and school via the diary. Unfortunately, the bringing of toys to school without teacher supervision usually eventuates in someone or a group of children being upset - toys can break or become lost or others are excluded. Please support for our expectations that children’s toys remain at home unless there is a reason as communicated between the teacher and parents. Thank you for your support of this protocol.
This term we will hold an unannounced emergency practice with staff & students, to test our response to a potential scenario that staff identifies a threat warranting the school to go into lockdown (opposite to evacuation). As with fire evacuation drills, we recognise the worth to test this process. We have plans in place to make this practice as least disruptive as possible. If you have queries you are welcome to call our Safety Officer Simon Natoli on 0400 105 47
A member of our school community is seeking a comfortable second-hand sofa that might be donated. Please contact Mr Linhart if you might be able to assist.

‘Inquiring Minds’ Birth to 5 program - a ‘Set-Up for Success’ Catholic Education Tasmania initiative.
our ‘Inquiring Minds’ birth to 5 program operates each Friday during school term time from 9.00am to 10.30am;This program involves a considerable focus on communicating to parents the learning intentions of important activities that are associated with early years learning. Mrs Klug will be working to engage parents in early years learning experiences that will ensure children who are enrolling in Kindergarten, will be informed in regards to developing key social, emotional, physical and cognitive skills and understandings.
Our school community is special in many ways - dedicated staff, supportive parents, cooperative students. Our Mercy Charism provides us with key values that are real ingredients for our uniqueness - Compassion, Hospitality, Respect and Mercy. We try hard to live out these values and one way of displaying compassion is for us to be a support to those in our school community who have undergone a loss. Please contact Mr Linhart, your child's class teacher or the school office if you or a member of the school community might benefit from some care & concern.
A reminder to parents that St Patrick's is a Nut Allergy School and that we ask that parents not pack nuts or nut products in their children's lunchboxes.