NEWSLETTER 27 - 30th August 2022
Principals Reflection
2022 Term Dates
Upcoming Events
Father's Day Breakfast - Thursday 1st September
Staff News
Year 1 News - Mr O'Brien
CBCA Bookweek
Online Feedback and Reporting Guidelines - Accessing Student Online Portfolios
Year 5 Camp Fundraiser - Cupcakes
P&F News - Father's Day Stall & Pie Drive
WEST Award
Student of the Week & House Raffle Winners
Religious Education
Devonport Basketball Primary Schools Tournament - Friday, 23rd to Sunday 25th September.
Care and Concern - Barker Family Meal Support
Covid-19 School Safety Plan - Update (Version 16 25th July)
Stay Safe Online
Book Club - Issue 6
Lost Property
Reminder - Behaviour on School Grounds after Hours
Reminder - School Assemblies
Reminder - School Counsellor - Karlie
Reminder - Contacting the School
Spreyton Cricket Club
Devonport Touchfootball Roster
Interschool Chess Tournament
Bells Parade parkrun
Care and Concern
Nut Allergy Aware School
Inquiring Minds
I usually pray for three things when reflecting during Mass: courage, compassion and wisdom - three traits that I believe are integral in allowing me to contribute to the various communities that I belong, and three qualities that I too often lack. The quality of ‘wisdom’ is particularly vexing - it is the foundation of our joint roles as parent-educators and it relies on our informed response and energy. Confucius summed up the enigma of this term when he said, “By three methods we may learn wisdom: first, by reflection, which is noblest; second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest.” As a school that promotes WEST values and asks all in the school community to reflect daily on ‘Spirit of Jesus Moments’, imitation is certainly appreciated as a critical element of the development of making wise decisions or ‘good choices’ at St Patrick’s. Similarly, we acknowledge that children, by virtue of their relative inexperience, may have to be involved in an occasional ‘bitter experience’ as they grapple with the consequences of poor choices.
However, it is frustrating that of the three methods that Confucius highlighted as a means to learn wisdom, the noblest method that involves reflection often appears to be the most elusive for us; our list of daily tasks often lamentably are added to the next day’s list as our energies are focused on new and emerging demands. Pope Francis made the following statement that has significant resonance for all reasonable people who may be reflecting on this more noble manner of gaining wisdom: “I am always wary of decisions made hastily. I am always wary of the first decision, that is, the first thing that comes to my mind if I have to make a decision. This is usually the wrong thing. I have to wait and assess, looking deep into myself, taking the necessary time.” Wise reasoning involves dialectical thinking - appreciating different perspectives, recognising the limitations of knowledge, making flexible predictions, and searching for compromise. We require sufficient detail and time in order to decide wisely our course of response.
Research undertaken in 2012 (Kross and Grossmann, Journal of Experimental Psychology) demonstrated that wise reasoning increases when participants take a self-distanced perspective. Students and staff of St Patrick’s are in the second year of a three year ‘Visible Learning’ initiative in which we are collaborating in our joint endeavours to incorporate feedback that makes learning visible, which is based on a synthesis based on John Hattie’s research of more than 800 mega-studies covering more than 80 million students that revealed particular educational variables that have the biggest impact on student learning. Our aim is to ensure we have a growth mindset that implies students know what they need to learn, how to learn it, and how to evaluate their own progress. I thank all our staff who continue to support this initiative, our students who are similarly responding with a positive mindset and in particular, Mr Atkins who is leading many aspects of the implementation of this initiative which should lead significantly to enhancing student outcomes and respecting staff welfare.
Our school-based Visible Learning initiative is hopefully a wise choice, the product of considerable reflection and, intrinsic to the process, an openness to considering others’ perspectives. Thank you to all in our school community who strive for wisdom by taking the time to discern, seek detail from reliable sources and make decisions that reflects a respect for ‘the person’, ‘the process’ and principle.
Rod Linhart (Principal)
Thursday 1st |
Fathers' Day BBQ Breakfast - 7.55am -8.50am Father's Day Stall (Kinder & Yr 6) |
Friday 2nd |
Inquiring Minds - 9.00 - 10.30am. 'It takes a spark" presentation - Year 6 class Father's Day Stall (Prep-Yr 5) |
Monday 5th | Book Fair - Book Sales 2.55pm - 3.30pm |
Tuesday 6th | Book Fair - Book Sales 8.30am - 9.00am & 2.55pm - 3.30pm |
Wednesday 7th | Book Fair - Book Sales 8.30am - 9.00am |
Friday 9th | Inquiring Minds - 9.00 - 10.30am. |
Monday 12th | Year 5 Camp - Riverbend |
Tuesday 13th | Year 5 Camp - Riverbend |
Friday 16th | Inquiring Minds - 9.00 - 10.30am. |
Monday 19th | Winter-Summer Uniform Transition Starts |
Friday 23rd | Inquiring Minds - 9.00 - 10.30am. |
Friday 30th | Final Day Term 3 |
Fathers and father figures are welcome to attend a Father’s Day breakfast (bacon and egg muffins, tea and coffee and juice), the venue for which will be the area outside the school hall. We will begin at 7.55am sharp with a welcome and prayer by our School Captains and our guests will be provided with some breakfast by their child or children and will be welcome to visit classrooms prior to departing. We look forward to welcoming you to this event on Thursday 1st September.
Mr Linhart is away on Monday and Tuesday attending staff interviews for vacant 2023 teaching positions; Mr Atkins is away on Wednesday and Thursday attending staff interviews for vacant 2023 teaching positions. Miss Moore was away today, we welcomed Mrs Carol-Jones to Year 5. Mrs Kingshot will be taking leave for the rest of this term, commencing Monday 5th September – we welcome Miss Kenney to Year 6 on Mondays and Tuesdays. Mrs Harris will be away tomorrow and Thursday – Mrs Tueon will be staffing the school office and Miss Davey and Miss Dell will be offering TA support in Year 1.
Term 3 has been another busy term for the students in Year 1. Students have continued to impress, with their creative and original ideas that they bring to a wide range of learning experiences. This term we have been looking at procedural texts. Students have so far come up with some clever actions for ‘How to Catch a Dragon’; the’ Talk for Writing’ text we have been exploring. After examining the text, students will be invited to create their own procedures, which I look forward to reading. This term we have also been looking at different types of portraits. Mrs Tueon has provided students both with inspiration and direction with this creative endeavour. Students have also continued to impress with their skills in STEM. Through their Lego projects, they have constructed and coded to perform some impressive tasks. Finally, this term Mrs Badcock has introduced us to Ozobots, which have been a new addition to our school. Students have been creating a story map for their Ozobots to navigate which is for the story ‘Going on a Bear Hunt.’ The students in Year 1 should be very pleased with the work they have been doing with all of these tasks.

Children were invited to come dressed for the Book Week Parade that was conducted on Thursday 25th of August in the Assembly Hall. Students and staff responded by coming dressed as their favourite book character or in character that reflects the 2022 Book week theme of “Dreaming with eyes open.” As communicated to families previously, our proposed Book Fair - books and other merchandise – was postponed, we now have a date and will operate the Book Fair Sales from:
- Monday 5th September after school until 3.30pm.
- Tuesday 6th September from 8.30am to 8.50am and after school until 3.30pm.
- Wednesday 7th Septembert from 8.30am to 8.50am
Many thanks to Mrs Carter for her support of this initiative.

Cupcakes will be available for sale from the school canteen tomorrow, Wednesday 31st August. Next Wednesday 7th September, Frog-in-a-pond will be available for purchase. All items will be $2.00 each. Funds raised will contribute to offsetting expenses for families of students attending the forthcoming Year 5 camp. Thank you for your support.
Congratulations to the following students who have received Student of the Week.
Prep: Manha Chowdhury for your positive attitude and application in our classroom lessons and in your school work. Well Done!
Year 1: Olivia Turner for your excellent effort with your preparation and presentation of your sharing. Great work Olivia.
Year 2: Ross Crawford for demonstrating a consistent positive attitude and application to his school work.
Year 3: Peyton Alford for being respectful during learning time and for the kindness she displays towards others.
Year 4: Harper Clark for her positive attitude and application towards small group reading and Mathematics tasks.
Year 5: Jovi Rand for his enthusiasm in researching information for his information report and effort in ordering facts in logical order.
Year 6: Ruby Anthony for the exceptional leadership and initiative she continues to demonstrate.
Congratulations to our House Raffle winners this week:
Dooley - Henry Jones Martyn - Mason Allford
Byrne - Not Drawn
God, we hold these seeds in our hand.
We see smallness, weakness, insignificance.
You see potential, growth, significance.
Tiny seeds grow by your power into huge trees.
They provide food for the hungry and homes for the birds.
From the darkness of the earth springs forth your life, your harvest.
Your Kingdom is like a tiny seed.
When we look at your church, and our own lives,
we see smallness, weakness, insignificance.
You see potential, growth, significance.
Give us eyes of faith and willing hands to see your Kingdom grow in us.
May we feed the hungry with food and the bread of life,
welcome the homeless into your family,
and gather the harvest you love has provided.
In Christ's name and the power of the Spirit
we commit our lives to you again.
We have had a positive response to participating in the up-coming Devonport Primary School Basketball Tournament to be held from Friday, 23rd to Sunday 25th September. We are able to nominate 4 teams in this competition: Years 3/4 Boys (C Grade), Years 3/4 Girls (C Grade); Years 5/6 Girls (B Grade); Years 5/6 Girls (C Grade). Unfortunately, we were unable to fill teams in 1/2 Boys & Girls and 5/6 Boys; If your child has not already nominated to play in the weekly Devonport Schools Spring Roster, this may be an opportunity you may wish to pursue. The Devonport Basketball Council can provide registration details for this roster by emailing
Thank you to all parents who offered their support in the way of coaching and managing teams and for the commitment to your child’s participation. All coaches will hold a Working with Vulnerable People registration. If coaches/managers have not yet forwarded these registration details to the school office, please do so promptly. We are yet to confirm a coach for our Years 5/6 Girls (C Grade) team. If you are interested, or know of someone who might be interested, please let the school know - we are willing to assist the prospective coach with any aspect of a prospective involvement. Thank you.
Thank you most sincerely for the generous offer of assistance with the school’s request for a meal donation in support of the Barker family. The response certainly reflects the generous nature of our wonderful school community. Following on from a letter that was communicated to participating families, the meal preparation roster is below. Please contact Mr Linhart, Lennice or Tameka in the school office if your circumstances have changed in regard to this offer of assistance, or if you would like to offer a meal or lunchbox item. We are asking the meals to be brought to school to allow us to send the meals home each Tuesday and Thursday. Please ensure your containers are clearly labelled with your name for the effective return to you. Once again, thank you to the families who have volunteered their time and resources; the Barker family has communicated their heartfelt thanks for this gesture of support.
Time |
Parent Support |
Week beginning Monday 5th Sep |
Tennille Tueon, Rod Linhart |
Week beginning Monday 12th |
Crista Christie, Mel Atkins |
Week beginning Monday 19th |
Tameka Harris, Mel Marshall |
Week beginning Monday 26th |
Nardia Perkins, Kurt Atkins |
Please continue to follow Health advice regarding notifying us if your child contracts COVID-19. Some important considerations regarding the updated COVID-19 School Safety Plan include:
- Parents are welcome inside school buildings without masks – please sanitise upon entry and wear a mask if you are a close contact (as per Health instructions.)
- Positive cases are still required to isolate for at least 7 days.
- Close contacts are still required to follow close contact rules for 7 days including testing daily if leaving their home and wearing a mask (all persons 12 years and older) in indoor settings when outside their home.
- There is no need to sign-in at the school office unless you are collecting or dropping off your child outside the usual drop-off/pick-up times (always come to the school office and office staff will contact the class teacher please, rather than picking your child directly from the classroom.)
Colds and flu
- Students/staff with cold or flu symptoms are required to stay home and test for two consecutive days.
- If the person has twice tested negative on successive days for COVID-19 and their symptoms are mild e.g. a runny nose, there is no coughing or sneezing and, if a student they have indicated when asked that they feel well, then the person is permitted at school /workplace.
Rapid antigen tests
Schools and the TCEO will allocate rapid antigen tests to CET personnel (staff and students only) as per the following schedule:
- Provide one (1) test when requested due to the person being symptomatic.
- Provide five (5) tests when requested due to the person having household close contact status.
COVID-19 testing
- If staff or students have symptoms, they should stay home and test for COVID-19.
- If it is less than 28 days since they had COVID-19, they do not need to get tested but should
still stay at home if unwell.
- If the test is positive and the person has not had a COVID-19 infection within 28 days, the person is considered a confirmed case.
- If the initial test result is negative and symptoms continue, students and staff with ongoing symptoms are advised to take a second test the following day.
- If the second test remains negative, this is sufficient to enable a return to work or school.
- If a person has returned 2 successive negative rapid antigen tests and still feels unwell consider
taking a PCR test.
- Positive rapid antigen tests must be registered on the Tasmanian Government COVID-19 website by the confirmed case or their parent/carer.
Confirmed cases
Should a student or member of staff test positive for COVID-19 they must:
- Isolate for a minimum of 7 days, provided outside the 28-day reinfection exclusion period.
- Isolate for a further 3 days if they still have symptoms on day 7.
- If test positive using a rapid antigen test, register the result with Public Health using their online declaration form or phone the Public Health Hotline 1800 671 738.
- Notify household close contacts of the need to observe close contact requirements when leaving their homes.
BOOK CLUB Issue 6 is out now. Please have orders in by no later than 2/9/2022.
Rehan Hasan from Prep has lost his Rugby Jumper if found can you please return to Rehan in Prep or drop it off at the office. It is an unnamed brand new jumper and is a size 4 or 6. Thank you.
Unfortunately, we have had some incidences after school regarding behaviours occurring on school grounds when students are in the care of their parents that we would deem inappropriate during school hours. We acknowledge that a quick ‘catch-up’ amongst parents after school can offer the only face-to-face opportunities for parent get-togethers, however, in the light of these incidences, parents are requested to take their child or children home promptly after school please, unless their child or children are involved in a school event, such as sporting coaching, is taking place. Thank you for your cooperation and support.
Whole school assemblies have commenced again each morning – parents are welcome; please follow the COVID Safety Plan protocols – sanitize and observe personal distancing.
Karlie offers discrete counselling services to students upon both parent's signed request. Request forms are available from the school office or can be downloaded from the school website.
Parents are welcome to contact Mr Linhart at any time to discuss issues relating to their child’s education. It is important for parents to always make contact with Mr Linhart or their child’s teacher if they require elaboration or clarification on any issue. The school phone is diverted to after hours to ensure your question should be answered.
Our school community is special in many ways - dedicated staff, supportive parents, and cooperative students. Our Mercy Charism provides us with key values that, I believe, are real ingredients for our uniqueness - Compassion, Hospitality, Respect and Mercy. We try hard to live out these values and one way of displaying compassion is for us to be a support to those in our school community who have undergone a loss.
A reminder to parents that St Patrick's is a Nut Allergy School and that we ask that parents not pack nuts or nut products in their children's lunchboxes.

‘Inquiring Minds’ Birth to 5 program - a ‘Set-Up for Success’ Catholic Education Tasmania initiative.
Our ‘Inquiring Minds’ birth to 5 program operates each Friday during school term time from 9.00am to 10.30am;This program involves a considerable focus on communicating to parents the learning intentions of important activities that are associated with early years learning. Mrs Klug will be working to engage parents in early years learning experiences that will ensure children who are enrolling in Kindergarten, will be informed in regards to developing key social, emotional, physical and cognitive skills and understandings.