NEWSLETTER 10 - 27th June 2023
Principal Report
Term Dates
Upcoming Events
WEST Award
Student of the Week & House Raffle Winners
Year 2 News - Mrs Fenton & Ms Zeleznik
Mid-Year Parent/Teacher Meetings
Premier's Reading Challenge - Mrs Carter
Casual Clothes Day - Friday 7th July
Mini Vinnies Winter Appeal
Devonport Basketball Primary Tournament - Rosters & Information
2024 Kindergarten Enrolments Timeline
St Brendan-Shaw College
Football Tasmania - Girls Mini World Cup
St Brendan-Shaw College Production - Pippin
Inquiring Minds
Nut Allergy Aware School
Bradshaw Street Crossing
Earlier this term, our WHS officer Katie Ryan contacted State Growth on behalf of St Patrick’s regarding the children’s crossing on Bradshaw Street. An assessment was carried out during this term, and a senior consultant from Community Development and Engagement, Road Safety has confirmed that the children’s crossing on Bradshaw Street has met the criteria for a School Crossing Patrol Officer (SCPO) and the Department of State Growth will provide a SCPO at the commencement of Term Three, 2023. More communication will be provided for the community in the near future.
Applications for St Brendan Shaw College (SBSC)
A number of our year 6 students will be transitioning to St Brendan Shaw College (SBSC) in 2024. Two students from St Patrick’s have been successful in their application for scholarships; Amaja Scott has been offered a 7-12 Sports Scholarship and Rose Evans has been offered a 7-12 Academic Scholarship. Congratulations to these students.
Principal, Stuart Ralph of St Brendan Shaw College has been holding group tours regularly on Friday mornings. Second-round enrolments for Year 7 2024 will close on Friday, 30 June 2023, contact St Brendan Shaw College today to secure your enrolment interview as spaces are filling up quickly!
Interested students and their families can get more information by contacting the College Enrolment Registrar at or visiting
Don't miss out on the chance to join a vibrant and supportive learning community, where quality education that fosters critical thinking, creativity, and lifelong learning is provided.
Additionally, Zara Omogbai- Musa has been successful in her application for a scholarship to Scotch Oakburn College.
We congratulate all students receiving scholarships.
St Thomas Aquinas Teaching Schools
Are you planning on studying for a career in education?
Imagine having the opportunity to work side-by-side with an experienced teacher while you study.
At the St Thomas Aquinas Teaching Schools Institute, we believe in shaping the future of Tasmania's teachers by providing dedicated training and support to students pursuing Bachelor of Education or Master of Teaching degrees in Primary or Secondary education.
Through the Teaching Schools Institute, you can gain practical knowledge by working in the classroom from the beginning of your studies.
Intake for 2024 is now open!
Successful applicants receive:
✅ An annual $2,500 support payment.
✅ One to two days paid classroom cadet placement.
✅ The use of a MacBook to assist your studies.
✅ The offer of ongoing employment as a teacher at the successful completion of the course.
✅ Weekly Intensive Days to support their development.
Cadet Teacher Positions are limited, and entrance into the program is by competitive application.
Don't miss out on this amazing opportunity to kickstart your teaching journey.
Have a great week
Carmen Aylott
Term 1 - Friday 3rd February - Thursday 6th April
Term 2 - Wednesday 26th April - Friday 7th July
Term 3 - *Tuesday 25th July - Friday 29th September
Term 4 - *Tuesday 17th October - Thursday 14th December
*Student Free Days Monday 25th April, Monday 24th July, Monday 16th October.
Term 1 - Wednesday 7th February - Thursday 11th April
Term 2 - Monday 29th April - Friday 5th July
Term 3 - Tuesday 23rd July - Friday 27th September
Term 4 - Tuesday 15th October - Wednesday 18th December
*Student Free Days Friday 12th April, Monday 22nd July, Monday 14th October.
(Easter Break - Good Friday 29th March, Easter Monday 1st April, Easter Tuesday 2nd April. Return to school Wednesday 3rd April.)
Wednesday 28th | St Brendan-Shaw Taster Day Year 5 & 6 attending. |
Friday 30th | Mid-Year Reports Available |
Tuesday 4th | Parent-Teacher Meetings |
Wednesday 5th | Parent-Teacher Meetings |
Friday 7th |
Last Day - Term 2. Casual Clothes Day - Gold Coin Donation. |
Monday 24th | Student Free Day |
Tuesday 25th | Students Return |
Congratulations to the following students who have received Student of the Week.
Belle for trying her best with all of her work and great participation in spelling lessons.
Thank you Belle.
Year 1
Rehan for his positive attitude and application in all curriculum areas.
Well done Rehan.
Year 2
Year 3
Darcy for his creative ideas and contributions to class discussions.
Year 4
Axel well done on your steady, organised approach to diligently completing your work to the best of your ability.
Jakk for his efforts in contributing to class discussion and completing his Probability work in Maths.
A great effort Jakk!
Year 6
Zarli for her improved confidence in presenting and responding to an audience.
Congratulations to our House Raffle winners this week:
Dooley - Ethan D
Martyn - Chad S
Byrne - Sienna V
Design & Technology
In Year 2, we have been exploring how technologies use forces to create movement in products. We designed our own arcade games that used a push or a pull force. Next, we used a range of materials to build our arcade game. During the building process, students worked as a team to share resources and problem-solve.
Students enjoyed playing with their creations while explaining how forces were used in the game.
Our Parent/Teacher Meetings for Mid-Year will be held on Tuesday 4 July and Wednesday 5 July. Bookings for these are now open on the Compass App and will close this Friday 30 June at 3:00 pm.
To book a meeting follow the below instructions.
1. Open the Compass App
2. Tap on 'More'
3. Tap on 'Conference'
4. Tap on the child for which you would like to make the meeting
5. Tap on the teacher
6. Select the time you would like under the date you would prefer
7. Review the details and then tap on 'Confirm Booking'
8. Repeat for extra children
The Tasmanian Premier’s Reading Challenge begins on Monday 26th June and finishes on Friday 1st September, so that’s 10 weeks to complete the Challenge.
Each student has chosen a goal of how many books they want to read, and have been provided a reading log to write down their books, and all they need to do now is read, read, read! Remember that you can include your home readers, library books and books from home.
Parents/carers your support with encouraging your child during this time to read, assisting them throughout the Challenge by signing their books off in the reading log, and sharing the time together to help them accomplish their goal.
Our school has 80 students that have chosen to do this Challenge, which is fantastic! Good luck to all of you, and we hope that you can achieve your goal!
Rosters and Final Information have now been received for the upcoming 2023 Primary Schools Tournament.
Hard copies of this information will be sent home with players this week. Players who require playing tops will be given these this week any players who already have tops from the winter roster can you please keep these for this tournament.
"Rehearsals are well underway for the College production of Pippin. Students have been working hard on dancing and singing, and things look positive. We have some talented students in the lead roles and supporting players with great vocal talent. The choreography as well is led by some very well-tuned dance students. The sets are being created by a fantastic artistic team and constructed by Bevan Scramm and his crew.
Pippin tells the story of a young man, fresh from his studies at University, determined to live a fulfilling life and do the extraordinary. As he moves through his life, he realises that the promise of an exciting life isn't all it is cracked up to be. With some fabulous choreography and singing, Pippin will be a show you will never forget.
Tickets are on sale now through the Paranaple Arts Centre. Avoid disappointment, don't miss out, and get your tickets early! Adults - $30.00 Concession - $22.00 Student - $20.00

Research shows that the first five years of a child’s life are critical for their development. The experiences they have can shape who they become as an adult. We realise the importance of these years and ensure that our SETUP sessions are full of play-based activities that allow children to investigate and learn in their own way.
Lots of time spent playing, talking, listening and interacting with you helps your child learn the skills they need for life. These skills include communicating, thinking, solving problems, moving and being with other people and children. That’s why our SETUP sessions allow children time for provocative play and exploring both on their own and with other children. We do offer arts and crafts, storytime, interactive games and activities as well as outside play.
Our sessions run every Friday from 9:00 - 10:30 a.m during school terms. Please bring a piece of fruit to share, a hat and drink bottle. Tea and coffee is provided for parents/carers. We hope to see you there!
A reminder to parents that St Patrick's is a Nut Allergy School and that we ask that parents not pack nuts or nut products in their children's lunchboxes.