Newsletter 17 - 24th October 2023
Principal Report
Term Dates
Upcoming Events
Staff News
Year 2 News - Ms Zeleznik & Mrs Fenton
Athletics Carnival - Thursday 26th October
Crazy Sock Day - Friday 27th October
Book Club - Issue 7
Emergency Practice
Lost Property
St Patrick’s Catholic Church
Devonport Touch Football Primary School Roster
Lego Club - Devonport & Ulverstone Library
Inquiring Minds
Nut Allergy Aware School
Welcome back to term 4
We have a very busy term ahead as we come to the end of the 2023 school year, including the athletics carnival, Lego League competition and end of year report writing, and the updating of learning plans as well as end of year events.
First Eucharist
Eucharist is the sacrament that completes the process of initiation and is when one can fully participate in the Eucharist by receiving Holy Communion. Eucharist is unique among the sacraments, as it is at the heart of our faith. For Catholics, the Eucharist is a powerful way we encounter the real presence of Jesus Christ. At Mass, Catholics gather to celebrate the Eucharist, the ritual in which, by the power of the Holy Spirit, bread and wine are transformed into the body and blood of Christ.
Students from St Patrick’s will complete the Sacrament of First Eucharist on Sunday 5th November at 5.00 p.m. at St Patrick’s Catholic Church Latrobe. We congratulate our students on completing their upcoming First Eucharist.
Earlier in the year, we conducted a survey amongst the school community to explore feedback on the current school uniform. As a result children in prep to year 2 have an option of wearing the formal academic uniform or the sports uniform every day.
The feedback for our traditional academic uniform was varied with some positive and negative feedback. The current traditional academic uniform has its limits when compared to uniform policies around Australia. Some states have introduced policies where the school uniform must:
- allow for active play
- comply with anti-discrimination legislation
- be affordable, functional and durable
- be consistent with health and safety considerations
- provide options including shorts or pants regardless of gender
The School Consultative Committee and the School Board have agreed to incorporate pieces in the current academic uniform to meet the above requirements. The change will include:
Winter Uniform
We have a large size range of traditional winter plaid dresses and skirts. To be able to continue this piece in the future, Midford has also been able to source the traditional winter plaid skirt and a pinafore.
The navy tights will continue to be a part of the uniform.
In keeping with the traditional academic uniform and the dark green, Midford has been able to supply tailored bottle green pants with elastic back for girls.
Girls will wear a white long sleeve blouse in a female cut. This will be worn under the winter dress, with the winter skirt and the traditional bottle green pants.
The boy's mint shirt will be phased out for girls.
The rugby jumper and the soft shell jacket will remain as an option.
In winter, the tie is optional but will be required at school events such as school photos and ANZAC day.
The boys' tailored grey pants will remain as part of the traditional academic uniform.
The boy's mint shirts will be phased out. A white shirt with bottle pinstripe in long sleeves will be introduced.
In winter, the tie is optional but will be required at school events such as school photos and ANZAC day.
The rugby jumper and the soft shell jacket will remain as an option.
Winter Sport Uniform
The PE shirt will be available in a long sleeve in 2024.
Summer Uniform
The summer dress will remain as part of the traditional academic uniform.
Girls will now have an option of bottle green tailored shorts with elastic back. This will be worn with a female cut, short sleeve blouse.
The boys tailored grey shorts will remain as part of the traditional academic uniform.
The boy's long sleeve mint shirts will be phased out. A white shirt with bottle pinstripe in short sleeves will be introduced.
The uniform will be on display in the office area in the next few weeks. The mint shirts will be phased out by the end of 2024. If you have any questions please feel free to ask myself or Tameka Harris.
Midford - Uniform
Midford is currently in the process of opening a shop front in East Devonport and once this is open will take over the selling of our uniform. They will continue to provide the full range of uniforms along with the new additional pieces. The shop will be open from Monday - Friday & Saturday mornings (opening times to be advised), they will also offer online ordering with both click & collect or delivery options available. The shop is due to open in January 2024 and at this stage, we are hoping that our Back to School uniform sales will be ready to purchase directly from Midford. We will keep families informed as we receive further updates from Midford.
Have a great week!
Carmen Aylott
Term 1 - Friday 3rd February - Thursday 6th April
Term 2 - Wednesday 26th April - Friday 7th July
Term 3 - *Tuesday 25th July - Friday 29th September
Term 4 - *Tuesday 17th October - Thursday 14th December
*Student Free Days Monday 25th April, Monday 24th July, Monday 16th October.
Term 1 - Wednesday 7th February - Thursday 11th April
Term 2 - Monday 29th April - Friday 5th July
Term 3 - Tuesday 23rd July - Friday 27th September
Term 4 - Tuesday 15th October - Wednesday 18th December
*Student Free Days Friday 12th April, Monday 22nd July, Monday 14th October.
(Easter Break - Good Friday 29th March, Easter Monday 1st April, Easter Tuesday 2nd April. Return to school Wednesday 3rd April.)
Wednesday 25th |
Socktober - Crazy Sock Day & Casual Clothes. Gold Coin Donation (Kinder Students only) |
Thursday 26th |
School Athletics Carnival 9.30am -2.15pm (K-6) (No Canteen) |
Friday 27th |
Socktober - Crazy Sock Day & Casual Clothes. Gold Coin Donation. Assembly - All Welcome 2.00pm |
Monday 30th | School Performance - The Riddle of Washpool Gully |
Monday 6th | Public Holiday - Recreation Day |
Tuesday 7th - Friday 17th | Swimming Program - Years 2-5 |
Friday 10th | Assembly - All Welcome 2.00pm |
Monday 13th | 2024 Kinder Orientation - Session 1/3 |
Wednesday 15th | NWCPS Athletics Carnival |
Friday 17th | Assembly - All Welcome 2.00pm |
Monday 20th | 2024 Kinder Orientation - Session 2/3 |
Friday 24th |
Schools Triathlon Challenge - Final Details TBA Assembly - All Welcome 2.00pm |
Monday 27th |
2024 Kinder Orientation - Session 3/3 |
Wednesday 29th |
Prep Nativity Play - Family & Friends Performance 2.15pm |
Thursday 30th |
Marty Ogle Visit - Year 6 Class |
Mrs Meech was attending a Literacy meeting today - Ms Zeleznik taught Year 3, Ms Moore was away today - Ms Woodcock taught Year 5. Mrs Fenton will be away on Monday 30th - Ms Zeleznik will teach Year 2. Mrs Jak will be away on Tuesday 31st - Ms Zeleznik will teach Prep.
In Religion, students have been learning about key people in their lives and the positive examples they set for us.
Students identified role models who live out Gospel values through their words and actions. Together, students reflected on how they can be followers of Jesus through their daily interactions and choices. As part of this learning experience, students rehearsed songs of praise in readiness for Andrew Chinn’s concert at the end of Term 3. They discussed the meaning behind the lyrics in Andrew Chinn’s songs, such as ‘God is Everywhere’. Students made connections to their own lives, identifying how they see God in people and in the world around them.
Our school athletics carnival is being held on Thursday 26th October and will be run at East Devonport Football Ground, Girdlestone Park. Students will be bussed from school to and from the carnival. The carnival will commence at 9.30 am and run through to approx 2.15 pm.
We have been unable to secure a food/coffee van for the event this year, so we will be holding a sausage sizzle. Sausages and drinks will be available on the day for students and spectators to purchase. All items will be $2.00 each.
The North West Catholic Primary School Carnival will be held in Penguin on Wednesday 15th November. Students from Years 3 - 6 will be selected from the school carnival to attend this event.
In the near future, whilst at recess or lunch we will hold an unannounced emergency practice with staff & students, to test our response to a potential scenario in which staff identify a threat warranting the school go into lockdown (opposite to evacuation). As for fire evacuation drills, we recognise the worth of testing this process. We have plans in place to make this practice as least disruptive as possible.
If you have queries you are welcome to call our WHS Officer Katie Ryan on 0497 681 042
Maisie Connelly has lost her new soft-shell jacket (named) if you happen to find this can you please return it to Maisie in Prep. Thank you.
Mersey Leven Catholic Parish
Mersey Leven Catholic Parish is a Catholic community made up of many people who seek together to live and share the joy of the Gospel.
Parish Office: 90 Stewart St Devonport
Wednesday - Friday 9am - 2pm
Phone: 036424 2783
See the Parish website for more information
St Patrick’s Catholic Church
Mass Times
Wednesday Mass: 9:30am Latrobe
Sunday Mass: 5:00pm Latrobe

Research shows that the first five years of a child’s life are critical for their development. The experiences they have can shape who they become as an adult. We realise the importance of these years and ensure that our SETUP sessions are full of play-based activities that allow children to investigate and learn in their own way.
Lots of time spent playing, talking, listening and interacting with you helps your child learn the skills they need for life. These skills include communicating, thinking, solving problems, moving and being with other people and children. That’s why our SETUP sessions allow children time for provocative play and exploring both on their own and with other children. We do offer arts and crafts, storytime, interactive games and activities as well as outside play.
Our sessions run every Friday from 9:00 - 10:30 a.m during school terms. Please bring a piece of fruit, a hat and drink bottle. Tea and coffee is provided for parents/carers. We hope to see you there!
A reminder to parents that St Patrick's is a Nut Allergy School and that we ask that parents not pack nuts or nut products in their children's lunchboxes.